Chapter 13

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Weeks later

Harry's P.O.V.

Laura hasn't spoken to me and I can't life without her anymore, I tried but failed hard.

She was everything I could think about and I have to change something, so me and Loui made a surprise for her, and I already got her to come there.

She is befriends with Ann again, because they decided that I'm a dick and not worth losing your best friend for, but Ann doesn't know Loui, or she doesn't remember him from the night in the club and so he told ann that he had a crush on her and wanted to surprise her on Valentines day, which is today , and that ann just should tell Laura that they both would meet at the beach but then Ann shouldn't be there .

Now Laura thinks she is meeting Ann at the beach and Ann things Laura is meeting Loui at the beach but i real I'm there.

I'm really afraid that she will run away when she sees me and that I won't be able to say a word, but maybe it works, maybe she can give me a last chance I really hope so....

At the beach

Laura's P.O.V.

Now I'm here at the beach, Ann told me she would meet me here but she isn't here, which was clear to me, because we never meet at the beach, because when she goes to the beach my house is on her way, so it's much more logical that she picks me up. I think I might meet a boy here, because it's valentine day, but I don't know who it could be, I haven't dated any boys since Harry.

I miss him, even if he's a total dick, he was perfect and I can't believe he's like this, and I'm not sure if I could be angry at him anymore.

There is someone who comes straight towards me, this isn't Harry, but I think I have seen this guy, but I'm not sure.

"Hey Laura" He smiles at me.

Now I know it, it's Louis Harry's best friend, that means Harry is near. Fuck.

"Just come with me please, I want to show you something."

"That was Harry's idea isn't it?"

"Would that be bad?"

I took his hand and now we walk down the beach, there is some lighting at the end of it, I think we're going there, I'm really a little bit excited .

"I don't know if it would be bad."

"Than we will see:"

So it is definitely Harry who is waiting there, and I don't know why but thinking of seeing him makes me happy.

"Now I have to blindfold you."


Now I can't see anything but I know that we're walking straight towards the light thing at the end of the beach.

After some time , Louis suddenly stops.

"Just sit down now."

I trust him and sit down, landing on a chair. Louis takes the blindfold of and I can see that I sit at a small table with a heart of candles on it. Also all around the table and the stairs are candles, it's dark so this looks wonderful and really takes my breath away.

Suddely I can hear some one singing and out of nowhere Harry comes and walks towards me. 

Singing Little things .

Wow, I never knew he could sing but that just sounds wonderful. 

After finishing the sog, he sits down. I don't know what to say, I want him so badly .

"Hey, Laura, I know you are really angry at me and you have got reasons, but please let me tell you somethings, before you walk away."

I nearly break out in tears, why must he be so perfect. I'm not angry at him, that's my problem, I can't be angry at him, even I want.

"I know I messed up everything, and I you're right I was a total dick, but it's your fault two, you can't be sexy like this, I can't deal with this." There it is, his cheeky smile, I just can't take my eyes of him.

"But I realised that I couldn't life without you, I tried because I probably never gonna have you back, but that's impossible, you're just everything I think of and I want you back, because life has no reason without you, but if you don't want me back I understand." He stands up and wants to walk away.

"Harry, where are you going?"

"I thought, you would walk away now because you hate me, so I wanted to make it easier for me, not seeing you go."

"Sit down again, you idiot." I tell him, and he beginse to smile over his whole face.

"I was never angry at you, I really tried and I thought I was angry at the beginning, but in real I was just confused because I couldn't believe that you are like this, but I was never angry at all I couldn't no matter how hard I tried , because....because I still love you...."

Harry know smiles even brighter and I start to cry. He jumps up of his chair and shouts.

Then he comes up to me and lifts me up and kisses me on the forehead. 

"Stop crying baby, everything will be fine from now on I promise."

I look up into his green eyes and he really means this, everything will be good.

We kiss and the world seems to disappear for a little moment. 

Harry's P.O.V 

Everything is good know and i never will let something like this happen again. I couldn't be every happier than this . This moment is perfect I hope it will last forever.

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