Chapter 3

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Laura's P.O.V

Ann calls me in the middle of the night. " Yeah?" I answer, why does she calls me in the middle of the night?

" Ehm I have to tell you something. You know I met Harry today?"

" Sure Ann, go on, it's in the middle of the night"

"So we layed at my bed and then, ehm , then.."

"Go on, what happened then?"

"We kissed."

"What?" Did she just said that she kissed Harry Styles. Oh my gosh. This has to be a joke.

Harry and my kiss was 2 weeks ago. We didn't talk since then. But he always hat a victory smile on his face, like he would have a great plan. He always hugged Ann when he saw me and kissed her an the cheeks and then looked to me and raised an eyebrow. He wanted to annoy me. He wanted to show me, that he didn't care about me and I guess this is another part of his plan, but why is he trying to annoy me all the time, yeah I don't like him and I said some bad things about him, but why is he using Ann to take revenge at me. It isn't her fault that I hate him and it's not fair that he plays with her feelings . I will tell him that tomorrow in school. Watch out, Styles, you don't play with my bestfriends feelings.

Ann is still on the phone. I can hear her breathing.

"I'm sure you told him to go after he kissed you?" I really hope. Chris would kill Harry, not that I would stop him,but it would destroy there relationship too.

"No, I didn't, feld good and so I kissed back, but after we kissed for some minutes he just went away, and just said that I please shouldn't tell you, because he wants to get on with you better."

Liar, how can she be so blind?" But you aren't fallen for him, are you?"

"I don't know it feld good when we kissed and he's so different to Chris."

"Ann, he's only playing with you i beg you, please forget him, you will never find someone better than Chris."

"But he is so hot and ..."

"And he is playing with you."

"I will thing about it , but maybe he was right I shouldn't have told you, you are so negative. Why can't he be really interested in me?"

"Because he's a Player, and I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I can take care of me myself."

She just hang up. Really nice. It can't go on like this.

Harry's P.O.V.

Laura is now probably really angry and is thinking about ways to kill me. But I hoped it worked. In the last to weeks I always hat a strange feeling when I saw her. I couldn't take my eyes of her. But I can't like her. She hates me. That's the reason why I do this to Ann. I really like her, but I can't stand hearing all that stories about Laura. When I hear her name I have to thing about the kiss and that I would like to kiss her one more time. But it hurts because I will never kiss her again. It wouldn't work out with us.

I know it's not the right way, to destroy Ann's and Laura's friendship, but I don't know any other solution.

I can understand why Laura hates me, I would hat me too. 

Next day in school

Laura's P.O.V.

So today, I'm going to speak with Harry great. And there he is right by Ann, looking to me. I go straight to them. 

"Harry, can we speek, just quick, alone?"

"A quicky is never bad." He laughs.

"Just come with me, and by the way your jokes are awkward."

" Oh why are you in such a bad mood?" He askes with this  ironic sound in his voice.

man why am I even talking to him?!

We go into an empty classroom and he sits on the teacher's table. He points at the place next to him on the table.

"Sit down, I hate talking with people who stand while I sit."

So I go over and sit next to him. Maybe this is a little bit to close. I can smell him and this smell takes away my rage.

"Why did you kiss Ann? If you did it because you want to annoy me, don't use Ann, she don't deserves this."

"Oh you really think I want to annoy you. C'mon, why should I. I don't care about you, bitch."

"You didn't just called me bitch, did you bastard?"

"Yes I did, you are an attention seeking bitch, that's the truth. Nobody cares abut you and that is why you hate people, because you get attention trough it. "

"Do you really think so, I can tell you you are totaly wrong, I hate you because you are such a selfish idiot. Do you even care about the feelings of others? I don't think so. Otherwise you wouldn't play with Ann." I  yell and jump up from the table .

"Maybe I kissed her because I really like her?" He shouts too.

" You don't, I can tell by your eyes, Styles. You are a really bad liar. I don't understand why Ann is believing you."

I walk out of the room. I really really hate this boy. How can be people so crappy.

Harry's P.O.V.

Why do I have do be such an idiot. Why did I call her bitch she isn't one. She's probably the most unsluddyest girl i've ever met.

I was just, to close, i couldn't stand being that close to her without touching her. Her lips looked so soft I wanted to touch them with my lips but I know that she would have punched me if I had tryed.

I really want to get on with her, but everytime I try we fight. What's wrong with us?

Laura P.O.V.

How stupid am I thinking he likes me, why would someone like Harry Style likes me?

It felled good being that close to him and his eyes I could get lost in his eyes. How can eyes be that green. And his mouth. It's a really nice pink and I want to kiss them one more time. 

No you don't want to kiss him, Laura, he's your enemy you can't kiss him, you hate him. Yeah that's what I do, I hate him like he hates me.

Falling for the enemy- Harry Styles: My bestfriends FlirtWhere stories live. Discover now