Chapter 8

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Harry's P.O.V.

Laura din't response on my letter. fuck. and now one week later she has a boyfriend, who is now the whore of us? 

His name is Tom and he's new. He comes form Australia and is this typical surfer guy. Laura an he got on really well from the beginning.

Sure, i've she wants, I don't care about her anymore, I don't care about bitches.

They are in a relationship since yesterday and I see them kissing all the time. I think she told them some bad thinks about me, he hates me. too. Laura doesn't look at me. She ask like I on't exist. I know I wasn't nice to her, but I said sorry so where's her problem?

Laura's P.O.V.

Tom is definitely the right one. He is charming, polite and of course hot. Man you should have seen his body, it's perfect.

He had the perfect timing. Right when I decided that I want to forget Harry, he came to our school. Everything between us was perfect from the beginning. 

And yesterday, he asked my while we had a romantic movie night at his house. What a guy. He is like Chriss just looking better.

Also he is a good kisser. Not to fast and not to low. But there isn't this feeling that I want to kiss him when I look at his lips, I kiss him because he's my boyfriend. 

Harry seems a little bit jealous, good. I decided that I hate him again. That's the best for everyone and now I have Tom so everything is perfect.

I'm going to go to the city with tom today, just hanging out a little bit.

Harry's P.O.V.

So it is clear that I can forget Laura, so why shouldn't I have a girlfriend too. That's a great idea. I mean here are lots of hot girls and they like me. Maybe one got time for a date today, if everyone thinks I'm a slut, it doesn't matter if I act like one.

This one over there is cute, I think someone introduced her as Lina to me. She is short, has brown hair, nice boobs and a hot ass. I will go over and ask her, she seems to be the kind of girl who takes everybody and lost her virginity with 13.

"Hey Lina"

"Oh hey Harry." she seems excited.

"Can we speak, alone?"

"Sure" she's giggling

"I just woneres if you got time today, so we could go to the city or something like this?"

"That would be great."

"At Starbucks at 4 ?"

"Will be there." She walks away and tells her friends.

That was easy. Lets see what we can get today.

                                                                        *   *   *

in the city

The date with Lina is fun so far, we sit in a cafe and she seems to be really attracted to me. Let's see how far we can go. She sits really close to me and is looking right at my face all the time. Sometimes she bites her lips or touches me by accident. Seems like she wants  more.

I turn my face to her and move it close to her, then I lean in and she leans in too, so we kiss, wow she is a really rough kisser, but somehow likely. I want to know how Laura kisses when we are alone. Oh no, I don't want to know. 

Seems like I'm now in a relationship with Lina.

"Should we take a walk?" I ask

"Sure, babe."

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