Chapter 4

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Laura's P.O.V.

This day is going to be amazing. I'm going to meet Chriss after month. Sure we get on really well but we never maneged to meet. Today is the day we finally managed everything.

Chriss is like the older brother I never had, we joke around and it's always fun. However the best thing about him is that I can trust him. I trust him more than Ann, because with Ann I got the feeling that she doen't take anything serious and there are so many things that annoy me about her, but I am afraid that this would destroy our freindship, because she can't take critic, so I keep quiet.

The doorbell rangs.

"Hey Chriss" I huge him.

He imitates my voice, but a little bit to high ." Hey Laura"

"oh man, you sound really gay." I laugh.

"Do you think so ?" He keeps the high voice and makes a really gay looking dance.

We are both laughing now. That's what I like the most about him, he is the only person who can make me laugh no matter in what mood I am.

He comes in and we go upstairs in my Room.

"I've never been here before.Really cool"

"Yeah, right, I forgot, It isn't that special."

"it's nice, I like it. What are we going to do?"

"Mhm, i don't know, watch a movie or something like this?"

"Sure, what movies do you good?"

I go downstairs and take a few movies up to my room. On the top: Twilight. he thinks it is rubbish. So it would be a great idea to watch this.

"Twilight? Are you serious? I'm going to kill myself if we watch this ."

"Oh, we don't want this so what about, ehrm, this one?" I hold up abduction. A really cool movie. Because there is the action for him and taylor lautner for me.

"Okay, great choice.Now hurry and get me foot I'm hungry."

"You can go and get food, I'm not your servant." 

"I hate you, i'm hungry."

"You're always hungry, so move your ass to the kitchen downstairs and take what you want, but don't take everything, we need something for dinner left."

"yesyes, I don't eat that much." He stands up and walks downstairs.

"Oh no , not you." I yell after him and laugh. He is probably the hungriest person i've ever met.

"I hate you ." He shouts back

"Love you to sweety"

                                                              *   *   *

a few hours later

Chriss has just gone. A great, great day. Really. We watched lots of films, laughed at people on the Internet and so on. I don't know what I would do I've he wouldn't be there. But I don't think he knows how important he is to me. He is like my gay bestfriend without the being gay...

I haven't seen Harry for some days. That's probably a good thing, but I don't know why, but I would like to see him. Strange, right? I miss him, I miss fighting with him, I miss being close to him.

Oh no, I can't like him, he hates me and I don't want a heartbreak. And if he would know, oh no he is never going to know this, he would tease me with this fact till the rest of my live. No I have to go on hating him. Somehow I hate him for making me fall for him. Yeah that's a good beginning. I have to lose this feelings.

Falling for the enemy- Harry Styles: My bestfriends FlirtWhere stories live. Discover now