Chapter 2

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Next day at school :

Laura's P.O.V.

"Morning Ann" i yelled while running towards her in the class room. 

"Lauraaaa" We huged and sat down on our places. 

" So, you know it's my birthday in 2 weeks?" she asked with a big smile on her face.

"Sure, how could I forgot?!" I answered. Why is she asking isn't it clear that I remember her Birthday?!

" I'm goining to make a big Party. Guess what, your invited."

" Yeah, that's cool and thank you for inviting your best friend ." I laughed and she just had a big smile on her face. She started to tell more but then she walked in. She is Mrs. Bold. She hates Ann and me as much as I hate Harry or even more. So we should better stop talking if we don't want to get a punishment. For this she was famous.

                                                                      *   *   *

2 weeks later

"Morning Darling" I hug her. " Happy Birthday, know your 15, oh man, your old now ." I give my present to her and walk in . In one hour the guests will arrive and I'm going to help Ann to embellish her house. This is gonna be the best Party of the Year. I'm really looking forward to the evening.

"Auaa" I shouted. This pillow is really hard. I will give this back to you I said while throwing the pillow back, right at her head. "Now you see what you got." I laugh and she starts running after me while trying to hit me with the pillow.

"Watch out I'll get you"

"yeah, that's what your dreaming about."

We are running through the hole house laughing. What a pleasure that her parents are away. 

Suddenly the doorbell interrupts us. "I will go" I yell and open the door.

What is he doing here? The person who stands in front of me is no one other than Harry Styles. Perfect.

"Ehm, sorry Ann has no time today, she's celebrating her Birthday." I say as normal as possible when you are stare in eyes like this. How can someone have green eyes like this?

" I know." is his simple answer, with a brigt smile on his face.

Oh not with me styles. " And when you know that she has no time, then what are you doing here?"

"I'm invited" What why didn't Ann tell me that? It should be a Party with our classmates. And I'm really sure he isn't in our class. Ann didn't want to invite Chris,so why would she invite him. And why can't he stop smiling. He isn't thinking he could flirt with me, is he? If he is, it is time wasting, he should know that I hate him.

Ann is coming down the stairs." Who is there Laura?"

"Your lover has just arrived" I say and give Harry a warning look. He shouldn't think that he's welcome.

Ann comes to the door. " Oh Harry, cool that you could come." she smiles and hugs him.

" Oh Harry, cool that you could come" I whisper in her ear with an extra high voice.

He looks at me." So than you are the Laura everyone talking from? Nice to finally meet you."

He smiles and trys to huge me. I turn around and walk away. " I will make the foot ready."

Harry's P.O.V

Oh wow, now I now why Ann never showed me a picture of Laura, she's hot. She hasn't got as much makeup on her face like Ann, just a little bit of blush,lip-gloss an mascara. And she looks stunning in her casual clothes. She has got light blond and straight  hair. It's just a little bit under her really nice boobs, which are really not that small but also not to big. The boys in town told me a little bit about her but i've never seen her in person and maybe it would be better for hating her If I hadn't. The boys say that she's probably the hardest to get out of the Girls here and that she's a little bit shy but always says her opinion if she didn't like something and if it's for other. I have to say she doesn't seem to be that shy to me. However she clearly seems to dislike me. She just walked away, when I was about to huge her, how embarrassing. No girl hat ever ignored me. But somehow I like it.

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