Chapter 1

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Laura's P.O.V.

"Oh not he again, stop talking about him. That's annoying" I said an put the pillow in my face. We sad at Ann's bed and talked about everything that happened the last days while watching TV.

"C'mon. This story is really funny. But he's such a idiot." She laughed. She noticed this fact really early. " That sounds great " I said with in a ironic way, but she doesn't seemed to notice or she just don't want to notice. 

Whatever, she started telling me this very interesting story. Isn't like i've heard 100 like this in the last two hours, but yeah just keep talking.

" So he told them we were at the toilet and they stared to laugh and they belived it, how can he stay that serious while talking that shit ?" 

She nearly fell of the bed because of laughing. never heard a funny story like this, really, i can't stop laughing. Ehrm not. Why is she caring about things like this and why is he always talking this shit. Isn't like she's got a boyfriend, who would be against Ann's and Harry's friendship either if he would knew.

" Ann, you aren't serious right? There's nothing funny about this story. And maybe he's that serious because he wish it was like this ?! Have you thought about this and does he know that he's going to get hurt if Chris would know this?"

" Pleas don't tell him. Harry doesn't mean this serious, i promise. He's just a....a really good actor." She looked at her mobile phone " Oh and by the way, is it okay if he comes over now?"

" Ehm let me think a moment, no. But I have to go now anyway, so have fun and tell him that he better keeps his finger still, if he wants to look like this for the next time too. Because i really think Chris should now this and if he touches you i will tell it Chris. He deserves to know and Harry deserves to get in trouble.

I said goodbye to her and went downstairs. I said goodbye to her mum who sat downstairs and went out. If she prefers this idiot to me. Sure she can meet him. But I really don't need to know him. I already know to much about him. Why had he have to move next to her?

At home i went to my room and pulled my mobile phone out. Oh, Chris is calling, seems like the evening isn't going to be as bad as i thought. The talks with Chris are always fun. We imagined the weirdest things and then laughte about ourselves. 

We now talked about 3 hours and now it's one o'clock and i'm laying in my bed with a big smile. Really something is wrong with this guy. There's only shit in his head. I like this.

Harry's P.O.V.

 "Didn't you said that Laura was here?" I asked with a very self confident smile on my face. I don't know why this girl hates me, but if she want, she should. I don't care. All the girls here want to be Friends with me, so why should I care if one doesn't ?! And maybe I'm going to annoy her a little bit more. Sure Ann was a nice Girl but she was to easy to have. I have fun with her and we're friends but that's all. But to annoy her I will make it look like more. Otherwise it would look like i listen to a little Girl. What I  don't do.

"Harry?" Ann waved in front of my face.

" Oh sorry babe just thought about somethings. Why did you ehrm said Laura is gone?"

" She had to do some stuff hat home..."

 "She said I shouldn't touch you,right?"

" Yeah, that's what she said, why?"

"Because then I'm going to touch you even more." I laughed and rolled over to her. She smelled really good. I guess it will be easy to get her. I kissed her on the cheeks and tasted a little bit of makeup. Not very nice. But you can't always get what you want. I smile. She didn't moved away and now is staring at me. Mission accepted.

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