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It was another day as Nolan was working unbothered, humming a tune as he did.

The door then flung open-

"Nol~! Guess whaaat-" Lou ran in.

"What?" Nolan blinked confused.

"SHE SAID YESSS!" Lou cheered as the house practically shook.

Nolan paused as he felt his whole idea of being with Lou crumble as he gulped back a bit.

"S-She.. manDy said yEs-" Nolan wheezed.

Lou nodded accomplished.

"anD it's tonighT-" he giggled excitedly.

"ThatS- that's awesome LoU!" Nolan nodded.

"I mean.... She's taking Eric on a date anyways... does this feel wrong to you?!" He then panicked-

"That's what I tried to tell you befoRe-" Nolan shrieked.

"Man... I don't know anymoRe-" Lou rubbed his arm.

Nolan thought.

"Maybe we should do the right thing..." Nolan then sighed out.

"....Yeah...?" Lou tilted his head.

"I'll take your lead Nolan..." he gulped.

"Right.. well... first things first you should show the village who you really are..." Nolan shrugged to him.

"Really? I don't know.. it seems.. risky.." Lou shrugged as he took his wig off.

"Come on... I totally believe in you..." Nolan smiled as Lou sighed and nodded.

"Right- let's go-" Lou nodded more determined


Eventually The dolls found Lou and Nolan walking down the street together as they gasped and whispered around, shocked to see Lou out here.

"Nolan I don't like thiS-" Lou whispered.

"Come on.. trust me.." Nolan nudged him as He just waved nervously as some dolls just waved back to him-

"That.. was unexpected-" he blinked as he walked forward, the two heading for the salon.

"See Lou... Things are changing..." Nolan smiled.

Lou just nodded as the salon doors opened, dolls turning and shrieking out startled.

Mandy was at her desk looking down at papers unbothered.

"Hey, how can I help y-" she began before looking up slowly and freezing up-

"L-LouiS-" she wheezed.

"Hello Mandy-" Lou waved dumbly.

"whY are you herE-" she shrieked.

"Oh you know... had a change of hearT-" He cringed and let out a nervous chuckle.

"Elaborate.." she raised a brow.

"Well.... Mandy iVe been lying to yOu-" he cringed.

"Eh?" She blinked confused.

"....iM actually eriC-" he just fessed up.

Mandy stared in silence for a bit as she just eyed him more, her eyes going from shocked to unamused.

"Yeah I know." She crossed her arms.

"W-WHAT-" he yelled.

Mandy laughed.

"You made it so painfully obvious without even tryinG- of course I'd recognize someone like you-" she pointed and grinned.

"But seriously what you did was stupid.." she huffed unamused.

"...I- i knOw and I'm sorry-" Lou whined sadly.

"Well.... I'll forgive you eventually... or not..." she shrugged.

"Ah.... Understandable... I know I did wrong and you have every right not to forgive me.." Lou nodded.

Mandy nodded and sighed.

"I'll still go on that date with you....I'd like to catch up.." Mandy shrugged as Lou paused.

"O-Okay.." Lou nodded surprised.

"See you at 8 tonight.." Mandy hummed as she walked off.

Lou just watched shocked as Nolan looked over and smiled, knowing this was a big step.


Later that night Lou came back from the date happily.

"Did it go well?" Nolan turned to him with a smile.

"Yeah..! We totally decided to be friends or whatever... I'm perfectly fine with that.." Lou laughed.

"Oh.." Nolan paused.

Friends huh? He thought about that a bit more. Him and Lou were the best of buds. Did he really have a crush on him? Or did he just fear losing him? Who knows.

But he had Plenty of time to decide how he felt later on. But decided that he and Lou should stay friends.

And so, in the end Lou stopped hiding himself from the world, and Lou, Mandy and Nolan were a power trio. Helping the village with their needs and all. And Michael made amends with the spy dolls, Finally reunited with Lydia. Everyone was happy, Maybe the truth wasn't the ugliest afterall.

The Ugliest Truth [UglyDolls fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now