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"I regret doing this.." Lou muttered to himself, making his way out of the abandoned institute.

Lou felt weird doing this, having to travel through the pipes was a pain. He wondered why Nolan was there to begin with.

Lou shivered a bit passing the old incinerator, abandoned, and un-accessible. He remembered almost killing Moxy and Mandy in there, in all honesty he felt really bad about it.

Lou arrived at the right pipe and stared down at the village, he was in shock, "Oh my.."

Lou then backed up a bit before running out of the pipe and doing a front flip, he landed on his feet, perfectly. He felt ashamed showing his face around the people here, so he tried to keep a low profile, but it was also hard to do so, since he used to be a prominent figure in the institute.

Lou was trying to look for Nolan, "Come on.. where are you.." he searched the crowd of people for him.

He sighed, so far nobody noticed him, surprisingly. He just hoped he wouldn't run into Mandy of all people.

The Blond pretty doll wandered the streets, until he finally spotted a familiar face.

Lou walked over to the male he had found, which was obviously Nolan.

"H-Hey—" Lou whispered.

"Hi Lou!" Nolan yelled accidentally drawing attention to the both of them.

Lou started sweating as he saw people staring at him, "Nolan..." Lou sighed, a bit tense.


"I'm trying not to be noticed here!" He whisper-yelled.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know." He frowned.

Lou dragged him off, somewhere a little less crowded, he looked at him, leaning against the wall. "Do you have any way to disguise me? So.. I don't draw attention to myself ?"

"Uh.. why would you want to do that?" Nolan asked obliviously.

"Do you not understand who I am? Someone will take one look at me and then hate me. Like I did them.." Lou looked at him.

"I thought everyone loved you." Nolan frowned.

"Yeah.. me too." He looked at the ground sadly.

"Well- if it makes you feel any better, I Love you!" Nolan gave him a friendly smile.

Lou knew he meant it in a friendly way, but he couldn't help but blush.

"A-Anyways. Do you actually know anyone I can talk too?" He asked Nolan.

"I have a friend who can help." Nolan looked at him.



"NO-!" He accidentally yelled out loud.

Nolan jumped a bit. "Why not?" Nolan asked him.

Lou looked down, "Oh Nolan.. sweet, sweet, oblivious Nolan... you don't know what I did to her." Lou looked at him.

The Ugliest Truth [UglyDolls fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now