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Nolan ran home, anxious to see Lou, he opened the door scaredly, "Lou- tell me you're in here!" Nolan called out.

Nolan heard a faint yell from the bathroom, he jumped and ran into it, Lou was on the bathroom floor, sitting there, his eyes were red but he looked emotionless. Like nothing had happened to him.

You could imagine what was going through Lou's head though.

Nolan frowned, "A-Are you okay?"

"Yeah.. Yeah... I'm sorry I got mad at you.. maybe getting a job is the best thing for me.." he shrugged, playing with his blond hair.

"Don't apologize. I shouldn't have forced this on you."

"Nolan! I should be the one who's sorry!"

"well I'm sorry too!"

They both sighed, Nolan sat next to Lou and looked at him.

"I'm a perfect disaster and I hate it!" Lou sighed looking at the ceiling.

"Well at least you aren't an ugly one-" Nolan laughed out, but Lou just stared at him blankly.

"oh Nolan.." he sighed.

Nolan stopped laughing and raised a brow.

"Did I do something wrong ?"

"Oh- no. Guess I'm just not in a laughing mood."

"Are you sure?" Nolan smirked a bit.

Lou nodded and tilted his head.

Nolan shrugged. "Guess I take back what I said a while ago. You are a party pooper." He sighed jokingly.

Lou looked at him, "Nolan not this again-"

Nolan leaned in smirking, "You're boring." He whispered into his ear as Lou slapped him away laughing a bit.

"You're so irritating!" He laughed more.

Nolan smiled innocently, "Your laugh is adorable-" he blurted out covering his mouth.

"O-Oh haha. Thanks-" Lou smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.

'Why did I say that?!'  Nolan thought as he blushed, 'why am I-'

"Are you okay Nolan..?" Lou tilted his head, setting a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh yeah! Sorry! Rough day!" He said shyly.

"Makes sense, today has been a lot I must say."

Nolan looked at the clock on the wall and looked at Lou, "It's 5pm, want to do something here ?"


Lou smirked, Nolan smiled,

"Wanna play video games?" The two said at the same time.

"Whoa-! Stop doing that-! Come on!" The two continued to shout in unison.

"Okay that was creepy-" Lou shivered a bit.

"You can say that again-" Nolan nodded in agreement.

"Seriously, lets go." Lou pulled Nolan up and lead him to the living room.

Nolan sat on his couch as Lou looked through his video games, Lou pulled out an innocent looking game case and put in the disc.

Lou grabbed controllers and gave one to Nolan, the two watched as the title screen rolled in, it was a creepy and ominous one, both of them grew confused.

Lou hit the start button and it began in the institute, accept it was empty.

The two made their characters walk around until Lou caught stuffing coming out of the door on screen.

"Nolan-! Why do you have this! That is disgusting !"

"What-" Nolan blinked, he came to a sudden
Realization , "Ugly dog- you've got to be kidding me, why did he put this game in my case !"

"Hold the phone you and ugly dog play video games together ?"

"Yeah, but he says my games are too boring so he likes to drop random scary ones in my cases so I get scared. I can't trust him anymore-" Nolan huffed, the last part said a bit jokingly.

Lou nods before he turns to the tv, a random pretty doll jump scares them and scares the life out of them both, Nolan jumps, and lets out a loud scream, and lands in Lou's arms as Lou squeezed his eyes shut, gripping onto Nolan terrified.

"WHAT THE HECK-?!" Lou screamed.


The two eventually calm down and Lou gently sets Nolan down, grabbing his controller shakily, he hit pause and quit.

"Agreement to destroy this game?"

Nolan nods standing up, grabbing a knitting needle that sat by his basement door.

Lou raised a brow as Nolan took the disk out of the system and walking into the backyard, Lou follows, grabbing his cloak on the way out, he puts the hood over his head and opened the door.

Nolan put the center of the disk through a tree branch, as he took a swing and cracked it, Lou took the needle from him and hit the disk so hard it cracked, causing the tree to fall as well.

The two screamed, luckily the tree wasn't that big to destroy anything.

Lou dropped the needle and laughed.

"We are so extra- we could've just cracked it with our hands-" Lou laughed more.

"I know- I think we got carried away-" Nolan laughed so hard he fell on the ground, Lou joined him.

The two stared off at the sky, Lou's hood falling off a bit revealing his face without him noticing.

"You're the best." Nolan blurted our stupidly again.

Lou blushed shyly, and sighed happily, "but you're best-er..?"

Nolan laughed a bit, "You're the bestest." He smirked.

Lou nudged him a bit laughing, then running a hand through his blond hair.

The two stared at each other, getting lost in their eyes.

'Is this what Moxy meant? Is this feeling truly love?' Nolan looked into Lou's shiny blue eyes.

'Thanks to Nolan I'll finally get my shot with Mandy...' Lou smiled.

Both had two completely different mind sets, but they didn't know that. And they probably hoped they didn't want to find out what the other was truly thinking.

Love can be chaotic. That's for sure.

The Ugliest Truth [UglyDolls fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now