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"Okay- finally. I'm here..." Nolan sighed in relief, arriving at a house.

He heard classical music playing inside, Nolan took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

The music stopped.

The door opened revealing Michael standing there with a violin in his hands.

"Oh. Greetings Nolan." He smiled a bit.

"Hey Michael," Nolan held out the bag of snacks. "These are for you."

"Oh perfect. Thank you Nolan."

Michael set his violin on a table gently, and started digging into the bag. He pulled out a granola bar and started to eat it, looking at Nolan.

"So uh.. may I come in?"

"Oh sure." He nods.

Nolan entered his house, it was awfully fancy, he had a nice black leather couch, A flat screen tv mounted on the wall, a dark brown table that had all sorts of trinkets and other things spread across, and plenty more.

"Oh my, sorry it's a bit of a mess in here, but please take a seat." Michael replied.

Nolan looked around this room- it wasn't even messy, he shrugged it off and sat down.

Michael put his Violin back in the case and grabbed an old vinyl record out of a package, he set it down on a record player and started it.

It was some Classical music. Classic Michael.

"So, what troubles you today my dearest friend?"

"Well I mean nothing is specific is really troubling me... I just.. I did something, and I think I totally regret it."

"Oh. How so?"

"Well I have this friend.. and I wanted him to... Uh.. come down and apologize to some people and try and set things right, but all he does is hide himself, Am I too silly to be taken seriously? Do you think he thinks I'm too silly! I just want to be friends with him but I don't think he likes m-!"

"Nolan, Calm down, take a breath. I'm sure your friend likes you, maybe he's just gonna need a little push or something along those lines." Michael stood up.

Michael started to massage Nolan's shoulders, he started to relax.

"Just take some deep breaths and listen to the music~" Michael hummed as Nolan relaxed.

"Wow you're like great at this." Nolan looked up at him.

"Oh please. I'm nowhere talented enough, but if you say so." Michael replied, in a slight dramatic tone.

Nolan giggled.

Minutes then passed, and Nolan got up.

"Anyways, I'm going to bed soon, and I need to go through my routine. So, it was nice seeing you Nolan." Michael smiled.

Nolan nods happily, "See you!" He started to head out.

Michael waved goodbye before walking off to the kitchen.

Nolan started walking down the street, and hummed happily before running into Kitty.

"Hello Ugly, it's me Kitty or whatever." Kitty greeted Nolan a bit impatiently.

"Oh. Hey Kitty.." Nolan rubbed his arm.

"So, who's the red head you've been hanging out with, he seems awfully.. charming, and very familiar." She set a hand on her hip.

"Oh-? Really now?"

"Yeah. Not many dolls have Pristine white smiles, or such- captivating moves." Kitty raised a brow.

"I'm sure there's plenty of dolls with shiny white teeth!" Nolan smiled innocently, "You have nice teeth!"

"Oh? You noticed? Thanks or whatever." Kitty replied.

Nolan nods happily.

"So are you sure you can't tell me anything about this guy?"

"I don't think he'd like that." Nolan frowned, "Sorry."

"Hmph. Alright." Kitty walked off, she wasn't giving up quite yet.

Nolan raised a brow as she left, he then sighed, people were already getting suspicious of Lou, and he wished that he could just get Lou to reveal himself and apologize...

Nolan then sparked an idea, and ran to his house to plan for tomorrow.

Excitedly, he made it home and shoved the door open, Lou must've been asleep already, so he quietly went to the living room, and sat down on his couch. He thought for minutes until he finally found the perfect idea, he fell back on his couch and hugged himself.

"Maybe soon we can all live happily." Nolan looked at his ceiling, with a sigh.

The Ugliest Truth [UglyDolls fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now