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Lou and Nolan were hanging out at the beach, late at night, Lou laid on a towel, undisguised, since nobody was around. He watched Nolan play in the water.

"Do people seriously get wet like this on purpose??" Lou looked at him shocked.

"Yeah! It's fun!"

"Fun isn't getting messy Nolan.."

"It's not fun because you're not fun." Nolan teased him.

"Is that an insult?" He snorted, quickly putting his hands over his mouth.

Nolan laughed, "No. it's the truth!" He looked at Lou.

Lou looked at Nolan. "I am the definition of fun!" Lou grinned.

"Prove it! Come into the water!"

"Fine! I will!"

Lou took his shoes off, rolling up his black pant legs, and removing his suit jacket. He stared at the water, after hesitating he took a step into the water.

Nolan ran further into the ocean, the water reached close to his shins.

"Nolan come back here!" Lou yelled.

"Your not my teacher!" Nolan yelled back.

"I was! S-So it still counts!" Lou yelled, Frustrated.

"No it doesn't!" Nolan called.

Lou, rolled up his pant legs more before marching further into the water, Nolan laughed at Lou, they were still a bit apart from each other.

"Come on~" Nolan hummed a bit.

"Nolan! I'm not going further into the water!" Lou pointed at Nolan.

Nolan laughed at Lou. "You're a party pooper!"

"Shut up-!" Lou marched over to Nolan, without realizing it.

"Haha! You did it!" Nolan smiled.

Lou looked down, as Nolan then splashed him with water. Lou screamed, now soaked, "You will pay for that!"

"What're you gonna do?" Nolan asked, jokingly.

Lou screamed into his sleeve, Nolan started backing further into the water, Lou ran forward and tackled him, both falling into the water.

The two looked at each other shocked, sticking their heads out of the water, and sitting up, they started laughing.

"Admit it! I am fun!"

"No." Nolan stuck his head up jokingly.

"Nolan-!" Lou splashed him.

Nolan laughed, "Okay! Fine! You're fun!"

"That's more like it." Lou stated proudly.

"I can't believe I've done this.." Lou held his head looking at his soaked clothing.

"At least it isn't as bad as the washing machine." Nolan looked at him.

"I guess. That was pretty scary."

"Sorry about that by the way."

"Don't apologize. That experience really opened my eyes."

"Are you sure your not mad at me for it?"

"Why would I be mad? I just told you not to apologize."

"Well alright.."

Lou looked at him and stood up, he smiled gently reaching a hand out. Nolan grabbed his hand. Lou pulled him up, and let go of each other's hands, they walked through the water together reaching the shore.

Nolan put his shoes back on, and picked his sign up off the towel. Lou put his shoes back on as well, picked up the towel, and Lou folded his jacket over his arm.

The two started sneakily walking back to Nolan's place. Lou and Nolan quietly laughing at each other as they walked to his house.

"Well we're here!" Nolan pointed to his house.

The two walked over to it and entered, Lou sat down on a chair Nolan placed a towel on.

"Thanks for today Nolan. I really enjoyed it." Lou genuinely smiled.

Nolan looked at Lou, "Yeah.. me too!" He smiled, "Hopefully you won't have to disguise yourself much though.." Nolan frowned.

"Hey.. it'll only be temporary.."

'until I gain the confidence to face everyone.' Lou thought.

Nolan smiled a bit.

Lou walked up to Nolan. "I think I'm gonna head home."

"All alone?"


"Lou? Why don't you stay here, I can sleep on the couch tonight."

"Nolan. That's nice of you. But— oh fine." Lou replied.

Nolan smiled, "Yay! We can have sleepovers every night!" He cheered.

"Alright cool- but I need to sleep tonight- so how about tomorrow we stay up and watch a movie?" Lou asked.

"Perfect!" Nolan smiled happily.

"Cool." Lou smiled back, "Well- I'm just gonna-"

Lou went into Nolan's room. He had a racecar bed, Lou in all honesty wasn't surprised. He set his suit jacket on Nolan's dresser, and took his shoes off. He laid back on Nolan's bed, and stared at the ceiling.

"Oh Lou.. what're you doing.." he whispered to himself, "you can't just keep trying to hide yourself.." he sighed softly, "but everyone probably hates me-" He continued, "This is ridiculous, why am I talking to myself."

Lou stared at the ceiling more, until he took a deep breath.

"Good night Nolan~!" He called softly from the room, in case Nolan was sleeping.

"Good night Lou!" Nolan called back.

Lou smiled a bit before drifting off into a deep

He wondered what tomorrow would bring him.

The Ugliest Truth [UglyDolls fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now