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Nolan followed lou down the streets silently, both of them just enjoying themselves.

"Sooooo, how was work?" Nolan asked him.

"It was actually quite fun. Who knew I'd have a natural talent for hairdressing." Lou chuckled, stretching softly.

"I knew you had it in youuu~!" He sang enthusiastically.

Lou laughed and nudged him a bit. "Thanks for this, even if I wasn't happy about it before," he rolled his eyes.

"Oh-! You're welcome ! I still feel bad about making you mad though." he admitted.

"Eh, it's water under the old bridge." Lou patted his shoulder.

"You know- I've been looking at the other dolls and I think my disguise in major need of an upgrade.." he cringed as he ran a hand through the messy wig he wore.

"Hmm... what do ya think your gonna wear now ?!" Nolan asked him.

"That I don't have a clear answer to yet.." Lou squinted.

"But I'll figure it out!" He then sang as Nolan laughed.

"Alrighty~" he sang after him as they giggled more.

"So.. I was thinking... maybe I'll ask Mandy out on a date..." he hummed bluntly as Nolan shrieked- feeling reality Kinda just collapse on him.

"....mAnDy- On a daTe-" he yelped.

"Yeah- I mean... she's really sweet..." He said shyly.

"oH yeAh definitelY-" Nolan's voice cracked hard as Lou blinked dumbly, not questioning it at this point.

"Do you think she'll say yes?" He tilted his head.

Nolan looked down at that, sighing, he really did like Lou, but he was also one of his closest friends...

"Yeah... I think so.. b-but Lou... she doesn't know the real You.." he frowned.


"E-Eric Isn't you! And I don't want either of you to get hurt!" Nolan then added.

Lou paused before bursting out into laughter.

"Oh sweet innocent little Nolan! This is the real me now!" Lou laughed more as Nolan blinked.


"Just kidding! Of course not! I'm gonna tell her at the right time..." Lou said softly.

"Remember what i told you?!" Nolan wheezed.


"Way back when Eric was first creatEd-" Nolan squinted.

"oh- your whole movie plot prediction nonsense wont come trUe." Lou cracked up as Nolan whined out.

"It might !"

"It wonT!"

They squinted before Lou rolled his eyes and laughed more.

"Trust me Nol~ I've got this all under control..." Lou hummed as he walked forward.

"I hope your right.." Nolan nodded skeptically as he followed him.

Did he have it all under control...?

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