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Nolan opened his eyes, he smelt something, it smelt good.

"L-Lou?" He whispered softly.

"Morning Nolan~!" Lou called from the kitchen.

"Morning Lou," he yawned, "Why is it so dark in here?"

"I don't know~ why is it?"

Nolan got up from the couch and glanced over to his kitchen to see Lou making food with all the curtains closed.


"Yeah. Thought I could make something for you, as a thank you for helping me out, and letting me stay here." Lou smiled softly.

Nolan smiled back, "You're- wow- I don't know what to say-"

"I'm amazing~ I know." He joked.

Nolan walked over to Lou and elbowed him jokingly. Lou turned back to the stovetop and started flipping pancakes.

"I didn't know you knew how to cook."

"I have hidden talents Nolan~ plus, I have A-LOT of free time." He looked at him, then back at the pan.

"Oh.. I see." Nolan nods, not wanting to get in his personal business.

Lou eventually finished, removed the pan from the stovetop and posed with it, the pancakes staying on the pan. "Ta-Dah~" he hummed.

Nolan's face heated up.

"Take a seat Nolan. I'm almost ready," he said, calmly.

"Alright-" Nolan went to sit down at his table, Lou had already set it, he wasn't surprised.

Lou came over with Pancakes, set neatly on a plate, enough for the both of them. Lou sat on the other end and smiled. Nolan smiled back at Lou, he then used a fork to grab two pancakes off the plate.

Lou has waited until Nolan was done, before politely reaching over to grab the plate, he grabbed several for himself.

Lou watched as Nolan grabbed the syrup and poured a load of it on. Lou looked at Nolan dumbfounded.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Oh- n-nothing." Lou smiled.

"Oh okay- want any?"

"Yes please." Lou replied.

Nolan passed it to Lou, as he evenly spread it out on his plate. Nolan started eating, and so did Lou.

Minutes passed, Nolan finished and realized that today he had plans, he coughed a bit before looking at his calendar.

"Uh.. Lou?"


"Me and Lucky bat kinda..maybe..sorta.. scheduled a hangout at his house today.."


"Would you like to come? I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

The Ugliest Truth [UglyDolls fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now