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Nolan walked down the street, Rubbing his arms, he didn't know why he felt so weird, and why he just wanted to be in Lou's arms and be accepted by him.

Nolan knocked on the door to Moxy's house as the door immediately opened, Nolan gasped startled.

"Heya Nolan !" Moxy waved cheerfully.

"Hey Moxy.." he smiled shyly.

"How are ya!" She let him enter.

"Oh I'm good... I guess.." he shrugged.

"Is something up?" Moxy noticed his peculiar behaviour.

"O-Oh uh.. Kinda." He shrugged.

"Wanna talk about it?" She raised a brow.

"Well, I guess I should."

"Take a seat!" Moxy gestured to the couch.

Nolan nods as Moxy turns towards it.

"Hey.. what does it mean if someone likes another?"

"Oh! That basically means that they're in love with someone !" She smiled as she walked towards the couch.

"..Moxy, What is love?"

Moxy gasped a bit, she turned around.

"You don't know what love is !?"

"I'm Afraid not... heh.. I've only existed for at least a month." He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Oh-!" Moxy sat down as Nolan sat across from her.

Nolan looked at her as Moxy thought for a brief moment.

"Okay, Well.. Love is when you really care for someone, when you enjoy things about their personality, and occasionally looks, you always want to be around someone you love, and you want to support them as much as you can!" She rambled on.

Nolan listened to Moxy, everything she was telling him reminded him of how he felt for Lou...

"You never want to leave their side either!" She smiled, "It's honestly a wonderful feeling!"

Nolan felt his breathing tense, his head pounding, he couldn't.. no he wasn't in love with Lou.. was he? It hurt to think about.

"Nolan are you okay—?" Moxy asked concerned.

"Who's Nolan-" he snapped out of his thoughts, "o-oH-"

"Are you in love with someone ..?" She tilted her head.

"No. Not at all." He smiled through gritted teeth.

Moxy frowned a little, "Well Alright.."

"Well that was nice- I better leave-" he waved goodbye before running off.

"Bye.. gosh I hope he's okay-" Moxy muttered to herself.

Nolan walked down the empty streets freaking out.

"Wait.. then Lou is in love with Mandy- oh no..."

Nolan fell against a tree and held his head, all of this information was a lot to process and it freaked him out even more.

"Just relax Nolan, you don't have to worry— just pretend you don't feel this way-"

Nolan stood up, and looked at his shaky palms, "Maybe I should just talk to Lou. I probably shouldn't have up and left him like that.." Nolan rubbed the back of his neck.

Nolan glances up at the portal, and sees Tuesday walk out happily, Nolan shivered a bit as she noticed him.

Tuesday ran down, "Hey... Nolan! Yes I got your name right ! Right?!" She smiled excitedly.

Nolan nods a bit. "Yep. The one and only." He chuckled.

Tuesday nodded back, "Awesome!"

"..So you've been to the big world?"

"Oh yeah, Me, Kitty, and Lydia are there a lot lately." She replied.

"Where are the two anyways?"

"Oh our kids are sleeping so, I was able to pop in for a visit, boy am I glad to get away from Kitty." She chuckled a bit sadly.

Nolan frowned, setting a hand on his hip, "You two not getting along?"

"Nah. I guess, she's been kinda rude to me lately. She's been making me do a bunch of stuff because she wants to find out who Er- someone is." Tuesday replied.

"I'm sorry to hear.." Nolan sighed, "I know the feeling, someone hasn't been the nicest to me lately.. I think I just feel-"

"-Useless." The two said in unison.

Nolan and Tuesday made eye contact for a brief moment before Nolan looked away, "I-I think I should head home." He sighed softly.

Tuesday nods a bit, "I'll see you around Nolan." She said shyly before walking off.

Nolan nodded and walked off, playing with his gold sign, he needed to get out of this bad mood. Maybe plan a day for him and Lou to hang out again..

The Ugliest Truth [UglyDolls fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now