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Nolan stretched a bit as he walked down the street, Lou followed him, minding his own business.

"You know this won't end well." Nolan looked at Lou.

"Psh.. what do you mean?"

"Your fortune. Remember."

"Nolan, it's probably just a bunch of garbage. It's not like 1 is my lucky number or anything." Lou lied as he rolled his eyes, sarcastically.

"Mhm." Nolan huffed a bit before taking the bag, and setting in on the ground.

"What're we doing here?"

"Just give me a minute." Nolan replied.

Lou sighed a bit as Nolan pulled a coin out of his pocket and walked over to the water fountain, he whispered something to himself, quietly, and threw the coin into the water, it skipped a bit before it sunk.

"You wish on water fountains ?"

"Yeah. It sounds dumb- sorry-"

"No it doesn't Nolan." Lou looked at him.

"Oh.. okay.." Nolan rubbed his arm.

"Can I try-" Lou titled his head.

Nolan pulled another coin out of his pocket, and passed it to Lou. Lou took the coin and held it to his heart, he thought something to himself before intensely throwing the coin in the water, causing a bit of a splash.

Nolan looked at Lou surprised. Lou put a hand on his hip and looked back at him.

"What did you wish for?"

"That's a secret." Lou smiled a bit.

"Aw man.." Nolan joked a bit.

The two smiled at each other, before leaving again, Nolan slung the bag over his shoulder.

"What's in there anyways?"

"Nothing important." Nolan swayed around a bit.

"do you need help with that?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry!" He smiled.

"O-Okay." Lou nods.

The two arrive back at Nolan's house, Nolan went upstairs, and set the bag down in his bedroom.

Nolan came back down to see Lou closing all the curtains, and removing his wig, letting his now messy hair loose.

Nolan looked at Lou and smiled a bit. "So What now?" He asked him.

"Hm. Want to eat something for lunch. This morning was pretty crazy." Lou replied.

"I can make us something." Nolan perked up a bit, "as a thank you for this morning of course."

"Nolan you don't thank and thank you gift-" Lou looked at him, laughing a bit.

"Now you do." Nolan smirked.

"Oh I see how it is, then I'll just thank you later, with another meal." He grinned.

"Fine." Nolan laughed.

Lou joined him, the two laughed to the point where Lou let out a loud snort. Nolan looked at him and smiled.

"That was hideous-" Lou tried to stop himself.

"PFFt, No." Nolan chuckled.

He saw Lou, and noticed that he looked happier than usual.

"What's up Lou?"


"Is something on your mind?"

"Oh. Yeah." Lou nods.

"What is it?"

"I think- ah never mind—" he blushed a bit.

"Aw, why can you tell me?"

"I mean.. if you promise not to tell anyone." Lou smirked a bit.


"I.. oh look a bird !" Lou pointed behind him.

"What where?! The curtains are closed!" Nolan turned back to Lou who bolted up the stairs.

"Get back here!" Nolan chased him.

Lou laughed as Nolan tripped and landed on a step. Nolan angrily got up and chased him down the hallway.

Lou stuck his tongue out at Nolan as he entered the bathroom and locked the door.

"Lou!! Unlock the door! I want to know!"

"Try and get inside! I know you can't!" Lou joked.

Nolan screamed into his arm angrily before walking to his room, he opened the dresser and pulled out a bobby pin. He smirked, and ran back to the door.

Lou noticed the handle moving, and hid himself behind the door.

Nolan picked the lock, and entered the bathroom, he looked around for Lou. Nolan then shut the door over as Lou jumped out and scared the life out of him.

Nolan screamed, as Lou laughed harder.

"You're so irritating!" Nolan joined him in laughter, his heart pounding.

"I know." Lou smirked. "Alright- Alright- So, I'll tell you now."

"So What's been on your mind?" Nolan hugged him so he couldn't run away.

Lou blushed a bit, and then looked down at him.

"I think I like Mandy."

The Ugliest Truth [UglyDolls fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now