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Lou and Nolan left Lucky Bat's house eventually, and Lou started walking ahead of Nolan, a worried expression painted across his perfect face.

Nolan noticed how Lou was desperate to leave, and then caught up to him, "Hey- Don't be So down.. me and him only had to chat."

"Oh.. okay.." Lou pretended he didn't actually listen to their conversation. "So.. where do you have to go now?"

"I have to go to Mandy's salon. She has some supplies for something."

"Oh I see."

Lou quietly followed Nolan to Mandy's building, the two entered as the bell on the wall rung. Mandy heard and rushed over happily, "Hello Nolan, oh! And you must be my mystery client!" Mandy smiled.

Lou waved, "Hello again."

"Hey Mands!" Nolan smiled back.

"Nolan I have what you asked for, I'll be right back." Mandy left the room.

Lou looked around and saw a pretty doll listening to another, the client was asking for a specific type of haircut. The employee was confused by the request but shrugged it off, but Lou, he understood immediately.

the employee was about to start cutting until Lou quickly moved him out of the way.

"let me tell you, you won't get the haircut he wants if you don't cut properly-" Lou said to the employee, he realized he was being rude, so he quickly corrected himself, "here, let me show you what to do instead." He laughed a bit.

The doll watched Lou cut his hair precisely to his request, as Lou was making conversation with the client, and employee.

"Wow- you're really cool, what's your name?" The employee asked.

"Eric," Lou replied smiling.

"Nice to meet you!" The employee smiled.

"Thank you for cutting my hair eric, I'm Michael by the way." The client, Michael, smiled.

"You're welcome." Lou hummed, he forgot what this kind of attention felt like.

Lou started walking away as he heard a door open, Mandy came out and put a bag on the counter.

"Hey there." Lou accidentally leaned against a hair straightener, his bare elbow was now burning hot. Lou screamed a bit.

Mandy jumped, "are you okay?? And what're you doing back here!" Mandy quickly went to grab ice from the freezer.

"I'm sorry- gosh-! I-"

Mandy bagged the ice, and put the ice on his arm. Lou sighed in relief.

"Now.. seriously. You're not supposed to be back here you kno-"

"Oh Mandy-! This kind gentleman cut my hair precisely to my request-!" Michael smiled.

"Oh really now?" She looked to Lou.


"That's cool." Mandy smiled, "But you don't work here so don't do that again." She laughed.

"Alright, Alright." Lou chuckled.

"Well. Thanks for the things Mandy." Nolan grabbed the bag, and pulled Lou out.

"Bye?" Mandy waved a bit, before laughing a bit. "This mystery guy seems cool.." Mandy muttered a bit, with a smile.

The Ugliest Truth [UglyDolls fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now