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"Wow Nolan.. I've had a great day.. thank you."

"You're welcome lou." Nolan smiled innocently

Before the two knew it they were surrounded by the institute, Lou was face to face with Mandy.

She looked terrified.

"Lou—" her pupils shrunk.

"Mandy-?! Wha-"

"I can't believe you lied to us all!"

"Mandy—" he went to reach for his wig.

He turned to see Nolan holding his wig.

"Lou.. I can't believe you lied to us.."

"I didn't mean too!"

Lou began hearing voices surround him, he screamed-

"GAH-" he woke up.

It was just a dream.

Nolan heard Lou scream and soon woke up. He ran to his room, he saw Lou sitting on the bed, shaking in fear.

"What happened ?" Nolan tilted his head.

Lou jumped, "I Uh- I thought I saw something... it scared me-" Lou lied.

"Oh- okay! I'm sure it's nothing then silly!" Nolan giggled a bit and bonked his head a bit.

Lou laughed, at least he had Nolan to make him feel better.

"Yeah.. it's nothing." He smiled weakly.

Nolan helped him out of bed, "What do you want to do today!" He looked at the emotionally exhausted prototype.

"Not sure.." he shrugged a bit.

"Wanna go visit Mandy?" He asked.

Lou then nodded, "sure !" His eyes lit up almost.

Nolan laughed a bit, "alright. I'm gonna go get ready." He went to his closet and pulled out a uniform.

Lou nods and goes to get his stuff. They spilt up to get ready.


"Here we are!" Nolan announced.

Lou adjusted his wig and opened the door, the bell dinging a bit.

"Eric ! Hi! I'm so glad you're here ! Your shift is starting now!"


"I left a note didn't you see ?"

Lou began to sweat. "Of course I did!"

"Awesome !" Mandy clapped.

"Anyways, you should head in." He laughed a bit.

"Sure thing boss." He nods a bit, a huge ball of nerves.

Nolan just sat down on one of the chairs, Mandy walked over to him and sat down.

"You alright ? You seem really tired." She frowned a bit.

"Huh!" Nolan jumped.

Mandy set a hand on his shoulder, And repeated herself.

"I'm fine... it's just I found out a lot of things at once and I'm kinda worried about it..." Nolan shrugged.

"I don't think you're fine than."

Nolan shrugged. Mandy frowned, she hasn't seen Nolan this off before.

"Here.. how about we go to my office and you can relax a bit,"

"But you're working.. I can't-"

"It's fine.. I'd do anything for you. You're a friend of mine anyways." She smiled.

"Aw.. thanks Mands." He smiled back.

She helped him up and the two went to her office, someone filling in for her at the reception table.

Nolan looked around her office, it was pink, yellow, and black. It was very pretty in there. There was a song playing on the radio.

"I really like your office.." Nolan smiled.

"Thanks." She nods a bit.

Nolan sat down on a swivel chair, he crossed his legs and looked at Mandy, she put on a song Nolan liked, and let him unwind a bit.

Nolan was lost in the music that was playing. He felt at peace. He hummed.

Mandy watched him and smiled in relief, happy to see him like this.

The Ugliest Truth [UglyDolls fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now