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Michael wandered down the streets by himself, waiting for someone to show up, he shoved his hands in his pockets and sighed.

"Perhaps she's busy..?" Michael muttered to himself as he then heard someone step out of the portal.

He turned around with a spark of hope in his eyes, but then he frowned a bit seeing Tuesday.

"Hey Michael ! I'm sorry Lydia couldn't show up!" She noticed the disappointment in his eyes.

"Oh it's fine. Trust me. I get she's probably busy with her child..." he smiled weakly.

Tuesday walked up to him, "I won't mind taking you for dinner though. Come on! I'm sure hanging out with me will cheer you up!" She smiled.

Michael then nods and walks with Tuesday to Wages restaurant, it was lit up with colours and music could be heard inside.

Michael held himself a bit as Tuesday opened the door for him, she smiled happily.

Michael thanked her as he bowed a bit, Tuesday giggled a little, and entered after him.

"Whoa.. Wage must've re did the place..." Michael looked around, the restaurant was decorated with neon lights, a setup kind of like a 50's diner.

"This is wonderful!" Michael's eyes lit up, "I must take Lydia here when I see her again... if that does happen..." he frowned shyly.

Tuesday bit her lip, she decided not to say anything, she brought Michael to a booth, and sat down on one side, while he sat on the other.

Michael looked at Tuesday awkwardly. "So... what're you gonna order..?"

Tuesday shrugged. "I'm n- um, I guess I'll order ice cream."

"For dinner?"

Tuesday nods.

"Well I see..." he nods back.

The two were quiet, guilt bubbling up inside of her, "EhEh- well-" she wasn't sure what to say.

Michael looks around the restaurant a bit bored and sees babo walking.

"It's chow time." Babo says in a cheerful tone.

Michael sighs a bit and looks at Tuesday. "So.. how is Lydia..?" He raised a brow.

"You must really like her huh?" Tuesday tilted her head.

"Yeah... Lydia was the first person I met in the institute. She's incredibly nice, I just haven't seen her since the gauntlet... is she pushing me away?" Michael frowned.

"...what- no- shes just totally busy with her child."

Michael bit his lip and furrowed his brow.

"Yeah.. busy.." he mumbled.

"Are you okay?" She raised a brow.

Michael nods and regains good posture. "Why most certainly!"

Tuesday nods a bit, and sighed.

"What can I get you two today?" Wage approaches.

Michael smiles fakely and turns to Wage, "Greetings I'd like yogurt please and thank you." Michael folded his hands on the table.

"Sure thing, and you?" She turns to Tuesday.

"I'll have a banana spilt!" Tuesday smiled.

Wage walked away.

"Yogurt ? For dinner ?" She squinted.

"I'm not really in the mood for dinner alright?" He sighed angrily.


Michael rested his head on the table and sighed.

Tuesday rested a hand on his shoulder.

"Michael... seriously.. are you okay?"

Michael looked at her.

"Lydia is just-"

"I get it!" He shot up out of his seat.

"Lydia is too gosh darn busy to do anything with me ! She keeps canceling our plans ! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE OKAY!" Michael shouted with tears in his eyes.

Tuesday gasped, the music coincidentally cut off and everyone was staring at Michael.

Michael's heart was pounding, feeling everyone watch him.

Tuesday was shocked, she started crying from shock.

"NO WONDER WHY LYDIA CANCELS! YOU'RE A JERK!" Tuesday blurted out, as she cried, realizing what she did.

"Wait w-what-" Michael covered his mouth.

"I'm sorry—" she let out.

Tuesday ran off.

"Tuesday I didn't mean to upset you-!" Michael ran after her.

Michael ran and ran, he saw Tuesday reach the portal, and enter it.

Michael ran up to the base and fell onto his knees, feeling anger boil up inside of him he slammed his fists against the ground.

"Michael!" He heard a voice call.

Michael lifted his head.


It was Nolan.

"I was at the diner when I saw you and Tuesday- what happened?" He frowned.

"I've messed up so badly..."

"Wanna talk about it?"


The Ugliest Truth [UglyDolls fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now