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Trigger warning: Self harm! (If you want you can skip this chapter but I will be putting the TW just before when the scene comes up so don't worry!)


BLACK, ELEGANT CLOTHES. Fresh, salty tears,
piercing sorrow, non stop mourning and sobs were directed at two frames with one picture in either of them, belonging to the persons who bid farewell to the world.

'Thanks to the God that it was not my family member, but someone else' was internal gratefulness, which crossed the minds of people who attended the funeral.

You also had such thoughts which used to assault your mind whenever you attended the depressing ceremonies. You were no different from the people around you right now, always so grateful, each time... until you weren't.

It had been a few days since your parents left you entirely, without saying a 'goodbye', out of blue and so suddenly.

The burial was done, and the most irritating part of those days was where many people were spotted wailing, weeping, shedding tears. Their doleful eyes stared at you with pity.

'I'm so sorry for your loss.' again and again, repeatedly, you heard the same thing told by the different people whom you didn't even know.

Meanwhile you, who hadn't shed a single tear wondered the entire time: what loss? My parents didn't leave me.

They didn't.

𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐄 ᝰ 𝐊. 𝐁𝐀𝐉𝐈 ✔ Where stories live. Discover now