Chapter One

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(Skyler's POV)

Okay so get this I am walking down the streets I normally do and it hits me. No I really do mean it hits me. Like physical contact and shit.

"Hey watch where you're going" I yelled at the boy from the ground after I was pushed on my ass.

"Sorry love" a doncaster accent replied. "I'm Louis and these are my friends Niall, Liam, Harry, and Zayn" pointing over to four guys who I didn't know were standing there.

I just stare at him and didn't say anything. I't not one of the girls who just says 'oh my its okay' if its your fault its your fault. Suck it up.

All of a sudden someone picks me up right of the ground. The boy with brown curls and a crooked smirk. Harry I think but I'm not quite sure.

When Harry picked me up I flinched. Whenever someone touches me I usually do. Ever since them i would flinch anytime someone touched me.

(Harry's POV)

Me and All the lads were just taking a stroll down the avenue and Louis, being himself, goofed off and started to run backwards. Once he stumbled a couple of times he got a little better but as soon as he did he fell on top of a little girl. I tried to help her up after Louis apologized but when I picked her up she flinched in my arms. It was almost like she was scared I was going to hurt her. Strange huh?

(Louis's POV)

I really need to start being carefull! I was showing off to the lads by trying to run backwards and I fell on top of a little girl. She was really cute too, her eyes were a gorgeous pale blue and her cheeks were puffy and adorable like what little boy couldn't fall in love with her once they meet?

But it was weird when Harry tried to pick her up from the spot on the ground she flinched. Liam asked her where her parents were she didn't answer him at all. We asked her again and there was still no response from her swollen lips. Her eyes avoided ours too.

(Skyler's POV)

The one with the buzz cut, Liam, held my hand for a second while asking me a question so I wouldn't be frightened. "Sweetheart do you know where your parents are"

I didn't respond. All the memories came back to me. I haven't thought about my biological paarents in a while. What they did to me is something I could never forget. I could never forgive them for bringing me to Ms. Richards orphanage, which is where I ran away from. She didn't like me, no one there did. They treated me like I was their maid. Making me clean the orphanage, take care of the babies, running to the store to get the very little food we ever got.

Then they asked me again.

"Sweetie please tell me where your parents are so I can tell them what happened and you are fine"

I looked at all the boys. I couldn't take it anymore all those terrible memories coming to me. It hurt thinking about them. All the people who used me and hurt me. All my parents never treating me like I was good enough and bringing me back tMs. Richards dump.

I looked up at their faces, smiled, and ran down the dark alley next to Rosedale Avenue. Surely they wouldn't follow me down an alley.

I run as fast as I can. I don't think I could face them again if they did end up following me. I didn't want to bring them into my world of shit. I could have just lied to them and said they are at home and I was just walking around town. That would have been the best way out.

Now they are right behind me. Wait why are they following me?

I turn so fast I almost fell but I caught myself just before. I ran down the alley where the dead animals are and probably druggies and rapists... *shudders* I jumped up and held onto the metal bars of a fence I was climbing over. Right as I made it to the bottom I saw the boys climbing it just like I did.

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