Chapter Twenty-Six

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(Skyler's POV)

The shadowy figure kept moving closer and closer to me. What the f*ck it this thing?

As soon as I thought yabout what it could be and bunny emerged from the trees. Okay odd... Wait what's that stuff coming out of its mouth? It is white and bubbly sorta...

"HOLY F*CK IT'S A RABID BUNNY!!!!" (@kkklllmmm @Iloveonetreehill)

Then as soon as I screamed a paw smacked my face leaving blood flowing from where the impact was. Then I heard another growl. OMG IT'S A BEAR!

I ran as fast as my feet could carry me but it seems like I was a turtle and the bear was a cheetah. The bear was too damn fast. It finally caught up to me as I reached the door. I was tugged back from the handle. Then I could feel its claw digging through the flesh on my back. The blood flew from the open wound.

"Help!" I cried out fearing it was to late.

Just then the bear roared and fell to its side. I turned around to see the bear was covered in blood from me but it also had arrow that went through its head.

There was some loud footsteps that stop once they were right behind me. I turned around to be face to face with Tom.

I thought he killed himself once Linda died from cancer. Apparently I was wrong. Now what would happen? And where the hell are my brothers?!?

That was my last thought before a coldness overwhelmed me and I fell to the ground. Now I was face to face with the rabid bunny. In someway I think it smiled at me. But I think I am hallucinating. I saw my brothers run out screaming and trying to stop the bleeding but that was impossible.... I am bleeding everywhere.

That's when I couldn't see anything anymore. It was just black. Black as night.

(Okay right here it gets confusing!!! Hint: This part maybe a dream that seems real.)

"Skyler... Skyler wake up!" A cry that came out of nowhere called my name.

I tried to open my eyes but it was like they were glued shut. What the f*ck?!?

Wait I know that voice! It was Kayla's!

I heard Kayla trying to calm down. She was mumbling to herself and i could tell she was trying to stop hyperventalating. I heard loud footsteps pace back and forth which was probably Zach. Then Josh I couldnt hear him at all in the room or where ever I am.

"She will die!" Kayla yelled

I wanted to see her and tell her I was fine. At that time I couldn't see anything it was just blackness. I couldn't move either.

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