Chapter Four

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(Liam's POV)

Skyler said she would come with us , but I am still worried, every girl in the world would want to come and live with us. I don't know why she wouldn't want to come. She seems scared to be around us.

I forgot to tell her before we left that we would have to go on a plane but I am pretty sure she new beforehand that we would have to take one since Skyler lived in a small town in California.

We got to the airport and boarded the plane and once we got to London we got of the plane and headed to a big black van Paul arranged for us. 


"Are we there yet?" Louis whined like a little kid.

"No we're in still on the plane dumbass." Zayn said annoyed that Louis asked that question 5 time in the past 20 mintutes.

"Yea well funny thing Zayn we got off the plane a while ago" I smirked.

"Well I don't give a shit Liam" Zayn said still eyes closed. He slept the whole plane ride and almost the whole drive back to our house. I don't think he remembered the whole plane to car transition.

We are just a couple blocks away when Harry woke up. "Hey where did you put the keys to the house?"

"They are in the bag Haz" 

I wonder how they would live without me. I bet they would be all dead within 30 mins. Well maybe not dead but in serious trouble.

Skyler sturred a little on my lap. She feel asleep on the plane ride and I didn't want to wake her up so I carried her to the van and let her sleep on my lap. She looks peaceful and not mad that we adopted her. 

"Yay we're home" Louis screamed jumping out of the van before it was even stopped. 

He is such a child I thought. 

"Guys I'm hungry" Niall paused. "I'm going to get food."

NIall ran past me almost making me drop the sleeping Skyler. First day with our little sister and dropping her wouldn't make a good impression. 

"Hey slow down Niall you almost made me drop Skyler" I hissed at him in a loud whisper.

"Sorry" He mumbled in between bites.

(Niall's POV)

I have no clue where Harry, Louis, and Zayn went. I went looking for them and they were already swimming in the pool. I decided to go get mine on to join the fun. Before I could go to my room Liam told me to watch over Skyler for him. 

"Um hell no I have plans."

"What plans? We just got home. She is now you're little sister so you need to take responsibility for her too. I was going to swim because all the other lads are out there."

"No way I want to swim also!" I said running to the room for my swim trucks before Liam could protest anymore." 

"Fine then" Liam bit back.

I think Skyler will be okay on the couch for now. She's just sleeping and if she gets up she can see us all from the windows. 


The cold water splashed my face and engulfed my warm body as I was pushed into the pool by a very happy Zayn. I surfaced and he was laughing along with the others. 

"Admit Liam I got you this time! You never saw it coming!" Zayn laughed pointing at me with a smile on his face. 

"Whatever" I grumbled climbing onto one of the floating rafts. 

Zayn dove into the pool and started to swim with Niall and Louis. Its amazing how good he is at swimming for someone who just learned. When we bought the house after the x factor we had a pool built in for the hot summers. Zayn felt like it was time for him to learn to swim so we all taught him. Funny right? 4 dudes teaching and another dude how to swim. He was pretty embarrased so he caught on really quickly and has been swimming just as good as Michael Phelps. Well maybe not that good. 

"Hey Liam why did you adopt Skyler?" Harry cautiously asked. The lads heads all turned my way to see my reaction. 

"Because she needs help." I sighed. "She obviously doesnt have parents and has had a rough past with her step parents. She lived in a shitty orphanage for god sakes. I could bare to leave her there with that bitch who takes care of them. When I saw where she lived it made me scared for her. That she has to live there with that. I couldn't let her go and not know if she would be okay, but I did know that she would be okay with us cause we can show her love and give her what she needs. I know its a big responsibility having a child, but I think we can help her and make sure she is okay."

After my little speech all the boys had wide grins plastered to their faces. "What?" I asked confused. 

"I realized that we can protect Skyler like how big brothers do in the movies. I've nevered had a little sister so it makes me happy that I can have a new experience with her." Niall looked down blushing.

"Well just so you know NIall, they aren't all that great." Louis surfaced from the bottom of the pool rolling his eyes. 

We all bursted into a fit of laughter remembering the pictures of Lottie pulling Louis's hair and Daisy laying on his back while he was on the floor. 

(Skyler's POV)

It happens all the time. The recurring nightmare of a real event. I'm used to getting them all the time but they still do freak me out. They are the closest things to my past except for my scars, and I don't want either of them. 

I sat up looking around for the boys who were now my older brothers. Where did they go? Did they just leave me a someone's house? I stood up at looked out if the windows and I saw them all in the pool. I am actually realived that they didn't just drop me off at someones house. 

I decided to go back to sleep. Why bother them when I know they will just pester me with questions. 

I start to fall asleep when heard voices enter the room along with the shuffling of feet.

I felt hands slip underneath my butt and back while being pulled into someone's chest. I let my head flop onto their shoulder using it as a pillow. I heard the door squeak open and a couple of snickers. 

"What the hell? Bring her back inside! Stop!" I heard Liam call out in a panicked matter. 

Wait what's happening? My eyes shot open in just enough time meet the eyes of an older boy with an evile grin. My facial expression made his smile grow more. I felt the arms remove underneath me and I fell into a cold liquid. 

I hit the water and started to descend to the bottom of the pool. I kicked and flung my arms out to try to reach the air above me. It was no use. I can't swim... I was never taught.

I couldn't hold my breath anymore. I knew coming here would be a bad idea. I saw a human body emerge through blue water. A hand grabbed mine and started to pull me towards his body. My eyes met Zayn's right before they closed. A blackness engulfed my body as I let my last breath go...


 Editted (6/30/14)

Hi everyone! I just editted this one and i hope you will like it! I might not edit next week cause i will be in Disney World! 

Please vote comment and tell your friends about my story! Thanks!

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