Chapter Twenty-Seven

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(Liam's POV)

I heard a scream and ran to see what the problem was. I guess Harry and the others we wondering the same thing. I stood outside and saw my baby girl getting attacked by a bear. A BEAR?!? WTF?!?!

"SKYLER I AM COMING!" I screamed frantically jumping over branches and logs to get to her. Harry was already ahead of me running up to a figure who was just standing there. It was like the thing was admiring my baby's pain. Like they wanted to see her suffer. Or maybe that is why they there. I occurred to me that might be one of Sky's parents.

I reached to the spot of where all the shit is going down. I saw the guy shoot the bear with an arrow and he smiled at Sky. She looked so afraid when she mouthed the word Tom.

I thought he committed suicide after his wife Linda died from cancer. I guess not.

Sky passed out I think... Hopefully. I didn't even want to think of the other possibilities. I knew Tom had to be the cause of all this. Instead on rushing to Skyler's side like all the other lads I bounced onto Tom. I think he was expecting me to do that because he hit me square in the head with the bow.

I felt the darkness fill into my thoughts and sight. The last thing I saw was an ambulance and its screeching sirens.

"Get out, get out, out, out of my head and fall into my arms instead I don't, I don't, don't know what it is but you've got that one thing!" I sang along with the band while millions of girls screamed my name.

Wait what happened here I thought I was going to the hospital. Where's Skyler? Where's Tom? Why was there a bear? When I asked the lady at the campus if there was any bears she said no... Well I guess he was wrong. Wait why am I singing onstage and not trying to find Skyler? I kept asking myself. It was like I was in a dream or and messed up world.

So first I was getting knocked out by Tom and now I am onstage singing One Thing... Is this a dream? Am I in a coma from Tom? Or am I going insane and never actually adopted a girl named Skyler? I asked myself walking off the stage completely aware of the fact I was in the middle of a song and it was my solo coming up.

"What happened out there mate?" Niall asked walking into the resting area with all the other lads.

"Um I don't know but can you tell me where Skyler is?" I asked hoping to see her bright little face. She can always cheer me up.

"Who's Skyler?" Louis responded making me feel like a loser.

"Lou he means the Skyler at the hospital we are going to meet I think" Zayn explained to a very confused Louis.

"Yes her..." I said not wanting to try at all. I knew I must have dreamt up this "Skyler" I was talking about. She seemed so real to me.

"Well that was the last song of the night so I guess we can go!" Harry said grabbing his keys.

"Let's go!" Niall yelled running after Harry.

The car ride was long considering we didn't really know the American streets that well. But we did end up finding the place.

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