Chapter Eleven

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(Liam's POV)

I ran up to Skyler and pulled her into a hug. She cried harder and harder.

"Shh shh it's okay" I cooed into her ear hugging her tighter

All the lads huddled around us as I scooped Sky up and started walking down the stairs.

"W-where are we going" Sky stuttered wiping her tears

"Somewhere that you can explain to us what happened" I said walking into the kitchen

Niall pulled out a chair and I sat Sky in it. We all sat in the other chairs.

"What was that up there?" Someone said

(Louis's POV)

"What was that up there?" I said

Instead of an answer Skyker let her head fall face first on the table with a loud bang.

"Ow" She mumbled

"Well..." Zayn said getting a little pissed off

Skyler sighed

"When I was eight all my parents would beat me and say that I don't need any love on Valentines Day. I was always starved and punched by them" She said looked down at her hands

"Oh my god Skyler I am so sorry" Niall whispered

"Where are these people?!? Me and Zayn will get them for you!!" Harry yelled standing up smiling

"No she needs me to get them after all I am superman" I yelled

"What about me I can feed them till they blow up from all the food" Niall said smiling

Sky looked up and smiled at us. Then she laughed.

"Thanks guys I would really appreciate that" She spoke with a smile

"Good" We all replied in unison

"I want to watch a movie" I yelled

"How about Toy Story 3?" Harry suggested laughing and looking at Liam

"OMG NOO!!!" Sky yelled

"I always cry when I watch that movie" She added

"Wow you and Liam are just alike" Zayn laughed

We all sat down and watched the movie.

"So long partner" Andy said getting into his car leaving Woody and his other toys behind

(Skyler's POV)

I woke up squished in Liam's lap. I tried to get out but just fell back against big muscular arms.

"Need some help" A voice said behind me

"Yes that would be nice" I said turning around to see Niall

He pulled me up not waking up any of the other lads. How he did it? I don't know.

"I am gonna take a shower Niall" I said running up to my room

I turned the shower on and put on some different clothes. I opened and climbed out of the window leaving the shower on so they would think that I was I was in the bathroom.

I had another bad dream about my parents beating me and me getting taken away. So I decided to take a walk to blow off some steam.

I was walking by Josh's house when I saw him outside with a girl about his age and another guy a little but older.

He turned my direction and yelled.

"Hey Skyler! Come over here!"

I didn't have anything else better to do so I decided on going over there.

"Hey Josh" I yelled running over to him to meet the group

"Skyler have you met my friends?"

I shocked my head.

"Oh well this is Zach" He said pointing over to the tall boy with dark brown hair

Just like mine.

"And this is Kayla" he pointed to the girl about his age

"Hi" I waved to them

They just smiled back looking sad. Something was wrong.

They looked so familiar. I know I have seen them somewhere including Josh. I just don't know where.

After a couple of minutes of an awkward silence. Josh says something.

"Well I am going to go inside"

"Yeah we are too" Kayla and Zach responded in unison

"Okay well I guess I will see you guys around" I said turning to walk back to my house

"Yeah Bye!!" They yelled before going into Josh's house

I got to my window and saw it was closed.

Crap! They found out I left.

I guess that's what I get for sneaking out.

I went around to the front door and rang the bell. A very mad One Direction opened the door.

"Where the hell have you been Skyler" Harry yelled not letting me inside

"I went to check on you a couple of minutes ago because the shower was still running and when I got into your room you weren't in the bathroom and your window was wide open" Niall said with his hands planted on his hips

"I'm sorry I had a bad dream last night and I wanted to get some fresh air without you guys following me around" I said sitting on the concrete

"Why didn't you tell us?" Lou asked

"I didn't want you to worry" I said

"Baby Girl you can tell us anything" Liam said sitting next to me to pull me into a hug

"You're sure" I said having my eyes meet the lads' eyes

"Positive" They said in unison with a smile

I stood up and it came to me.

I know who Josh, Zach, and Kayla are...


Heyyyyy!!!! How is you guyz???

Just got back from a volleyball tourney do I didn't have time to update until now...


You are the reason why I update still!!! Thank you sooo much!!!




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