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"i need a drink," sierra sighs.

"uh oh," her friend, jasmine says, just as her other friend, deja says, "let's go to the club."

jasmine glares at deja before turning to sierra. "whats wrong, si?" she asks. jasmine reminds sierra a lot of rayana. she's motherly and a natural caregiver. deja is too, but she's always looking for a good time.

sierra shrugs and lolls her head to the side. "work," she partially lies. its mainly work, though ever since jack called her and she went to see him, her head hasn't been clear. work isn't distracting enough, because when she's not focused on getting an IV in someones arm, her mind wanders to jack every time.

her friends don't know about jack calling and her going to see him. they would only tell her to work things out—even jasmine—and she doesn't need any more influence. it doesn't help that he lives twenty minutes away from her, and is bound to stay in the city for another few days if he's not busy.

"then let's go to the club tonight!" deja exclaims, like it's an obvious choice.

sierra nods because she needs to take her mind off of him for at least one night—even if that requires her getting drunk off her ass. "aight, novice, or what?" jasmine asks,  leaning back in her chair and taking a bite of the lunch she brought for the three of them. novice was their go-to club, ole reliable if you will.

sierra shakes her head. "no. i'm tryna go to onyx," she says. onyx was a popular club frequented by rappers and people with that status, therefore making it expensive. she's only gone two times; both with jack and her two friends.

deja and jasmine make the same face of surprise and amusement. "oh you got money-money!" deja says, causing sierra to laugh.

"bottles on sierra tonight, yall!" jasmine adds.

the three of them laugh and discuss their plans for the rest of sierras lunch, until she inevitably has to go back to work and they say their goodbyes.


when sierra gets home from work, she rushes into her apartment and into her bathroom to shower. she tosses her phone onto the counter and throws scrubs into pile on the floor. sierra shuffles through her music and settles on 'beam me up scotty' by nicki minaj.

before she can get into the shower, her phone buzzes with a text. her heart skips a beat at the possibility of it being jack. every time her phone buzzes, she thinks it's him, and every time she's borderline disappointed.

this time, she was actually excited, though it wasn't from someone she was expecting.

megan: hey baby i'm in ATL 😛 i told u i would hit you up when i was in town!!

sierra: hiiii meg! me and my girls are going to onyx tonight, come thru!

megan: bet i'll be there 😛❤️🔥

sierra: 😋

hopping into the shower, sierra can't help the smile that takes up her entire face. yes, megan thee stallion is hitting her up to hang out, and is going clubbing with sierra and her friends. sierra met megan at a festival, courtesy of jack, and randomly clicked. sierra went in as a fan and left with a friend—still a fan, of course—but a friend nonetheless. they've hung out a few other times, seen each other at other festivals and award shows. every time megan is in atlanta, they link.

sierra raps along to nicki minaj with vigor, excited and buzzing to be going out with her favorite people tonight. going out with her girls was fun, but megan was an experience.

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