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the next morning, jack wakes up in the same empty bed he fell asleep in. even thinking about last night makes him upset and gives him a headache. he has no idea what sierra and her friends did last night beyond the two instagram stories she posted that were so vague, he just gave up on trying to figure it out.

he stretches his stiff legs and cracks his back when as he stands up. he's still in his jeans from last night because when he got back to the room and didn't see sierra, he just forced himself to knock out.

jack grabs a pair of sweats from his suitcase and quickly changes his pants. he doesn't bother with his shirt, and then slips his feet into a pair of house shoes. jack grabs his phone from the bedside table and looks through all of his unanswered texts he sent to sierra.

jack: where did you go?
8:21 pm

jack: can you just answer me
8:56 pm

jack: bruh where did you go
9:45 pm

jack: can you just let me know you're alright.
10:12 pm

it was honestly pathetic that he had to beg his supposed girlfriend for a response that he has yet to receive. it hasn't even been a full month since they rekindled their relationship and started over, and it's already starting off poorly.

jack grabs a jacket and the hotel key card before exiting his room and walking down to the end of the hallway to deja and jasmines room. he prays that they're all in there, and that somebody answers or he might freak out.

he knocks on the door and then puts his hands in his pockets. no shuffling is audible to him, so he knocks again, a little louder and more urgent. all he wants is to see sierra and know that she's okay.

jack is about to knock again when the door swings open to reveal an exhausted looking deja. she squints at him and then sighs when she realizes it's him. "i'll get her," she says, her voice raspy. jack only nods and waits at the door, slightly peeking his head in to see signs of something.

"tell him i'm not here," he hears faintly from the room. jack rolls his eyes and leans against the doorframe.

moments later, sierra trudges up to the front of the room in a tshirt and nothing else, and passes by jack without acknowledging him. he sighs heavily through his nose and follows after her to their suite.

sierra digs around in her purse in search of the keycard and jack moves around her. "watch out," he mumbles, swiping the card and unlocking the door. sierra follows him wordlessly into the room and he closes the door behind them. "so your phone don't work, or what? you cant answer texts?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest as sierra crawls into the bed.

she doesn't respond to him and fixes her pillows, getting herself comfortable. "i'm talking to you, sierra," he says, irritation evident in his voice.

"you had breakfast yet?" she asks. she waits for jack to say 'no' before replying, "then it's too early to start with me."

jack shakes his head and drags a hand across his face. he picks up the hotel phone and dials the number for room service. she has a point, and if it takes him eating for them to get their mess sorted out, he'll do it.

he orders for the both of them, knowing what foods sierra likes to eat. she stirs in the bed and he glances at her. jack places the order and hangs up the phone and then takes a seat on the side of the bed. he has so much that he needs to say to her, but he really doesn't want to argue at 9 in the morning anymore.

a few minutes later, a knock sounds at the room door. jack gets up and opens it and thanks the hotel employee. he wheels the food cart inside and stops it at the end of the bed. jack taps sierra leg. "come eat," he says, pulling the lids off of the food.

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