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jack dials urbans number as he practically runs down the stairs, not caring that it's four in the morning and his friend could possibly be asleep. his brain is racing with irrational thoughts, like turning back around and cussing sierra out, calling cole himself and cussing him out, and finding cole and beating his ass. but the worst thought of all, the most intrusive one, wants to hurt her just as bad.

the more rational side of him believes what sierra said about her and cole never getting together like it may seem. deep down, he knows that she'd never do him like that. but the more irrational side, the current state of his brain, is telling him that sierra and cole have gotten together, and are still seeing each other behind his back.

urban picks up after a few rings, fully awake and his voice pretty chipper. "what's up?"

"where you at, man?" jack asks, walking into the lobby. his voice is stressed and panicked, and he feels bad for damping his friends mood.

"i'm outside at the pool with deja... you alright?" urban asks. jack rolls his eyes at the mention of sierras friend. she probably knew, he thinks. the thought of both of her friends, the ones he paid for to come on this trip, knowing about sierra and cole fills him with a different kind of anger.

"nah, bro. sierra got me fucked up for real," he rants.

"hold on," urban says. jack doesn't say anything and listens to urban on the other line shuffling around. "i had to get away from deja. what happened?" he asks.

jack lets out a bitter laugh. "man, look. she gets a phone call about thirty minutes ago, and i let it ring cause it's four in the fucking morning. so it stops, and then, like, a minute later it starts ringing again so i sit up because she's still asleep, right? tell me why when i answer the phone, some dude gon start with "sierra, ive been thinking about you.". i don't even let him finish, because i'm wondering who the fuck is calling her so goddamn early in the morning. and guess who it was?" his voice is clipped and rushed as he tells the story, and he speeds through the lobby of the hotel towards the pool area.

the more jack talks, the angrier he gets and he pushes his hood off to pull at his hair. "who?" urban asks.

"cole, man!"

"you're joking," urban says. he knows all about jacks suspicions of sierra and cole—the whole time they were stranded in new jersey on valentine's day, all jack could talk about was how he knew something was going on.

jack lets out a bark of a laugh. "i wish i was, bro. i'm on my way to you right now—i need to get out of here," he says. urban says okay, and the two of them hang up as jack speedwalks to the pool.

he makes it there moments later and sees urban sitting at the end of dejas chair. jack shakes his head and pokes his tongue on his cheek as he opens the gate to the empty pool area.

deja and urban both turn their heads at the sound of the gate opening. jack sees urban say something to deja, and they both get up and start walking towards him. jack stands by the gate with his hands tucked under his armpits as a breeze blows by.

"alright, let me walk her back inside and then we can dip," urban says. jack nods and stares over at deja, poking his tongue in his cheek.

she gives him a look when he keeps staring after she's already looked back at him. "what?"

"did you know?" he asks, pulling his hood on. deja gives him a puzzled look and then looks over at urban before returning her gaze on jack.

"know what?"

"about sierra and cole," jack says. the look stays on dejas face. sierra never mentioned cole beyond their conversation on valentine's day, and she just went about how she felt bad, but also only called cole because she knew nothing would happen between the two of them in the end. both jasmine and deja told her she was wrong for it, but it was nothing to lose sleep over.

rambo / j. harlowWhere stories live. Discover now