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"be safe! love you!" sierra yells to her friends after she's out of the uber and on the sidewalk. the yell it back and wave at her as the driver speeds off.

jack is waiting in the lobby when sierra enters the building. his eyes trail up her barely clothed torso and back down before roaming back up to land on her face. "sheesh," he says, standing up from one of the chairs.

"i know," she says, brushing past him, her shoulder grazing his chest. jack smiles and bites his bottom lip and follows her down the hallway to the studio he's been in all day. he's only left here to shower and get food, since sierra took the wings on her way out earlier.

pushing the door open, sierra walks into the empty room with jack right on her heels. he closes the door behind them and immediately grabs her by the hips, his hands running over her bare abdomen. "not you all up on me," she says, twisting out of his grip.

the smile on her face is playful, and jack matches it, grabbing for her again. she spins out of his reach childishly and he laughs. sierra puts her hands behind her back and mockingly sticks her lips out at him. when jack grabs for her again, she lets him.

jack places both of his hands on her ass and pulls her close to him. "are you gonna make it up to me?" she asks, looking up at him through her lashes. sierra toys with the chain on his neck and jack licks his lips, sucking in a sharp breath.

he knows what she wants, and they both know that she's going to get her way. jacks hands slide to the front of her jeans and pops the button. "come on," he says, tugging on her belt loop. sierra quickly pulls her heels off and then pulls her jeans off. jack watches her intensely, grabbing her by the hips and kissing her sensually. he grabs a handful of her ass in one hand and starts walking her backwards towards the couch.

sierra falls onto the couch and lets out a breath, spreading her legs while looking up at jack. he gets down on his knees and puts her legs on his shoulders. sierra lets out a shaky breath when he kisses her everywhere but where she needs him the most. jack kisses her inner thighs, gently kneading at her flesh. "please, jack," she sighs, putting her hand in his hair and gently tugging at his roots.

jack leans back and hooks his fingers in the band of her thong. sierra lifts her hips up and aids him in pulling them off. once she's bare, he buries his face in between her thighs and she lets out a cry of pleasure. his tongue laps at her folds and he sucks on her clit, making her scream his name over and over. "fuck, jack!" she moans, pushing his head down farther.

when sierra tries pressing her thighs together, he knows that she's close, and forces her legs open. she lets out a breathy moan when he licks a stripe from the bottom of her pussy to the very top. "jack, i-" sierras voice catches in her chest as that familiar knot builds in the pit of her stomach.

"let it go, baby," his voice is muffled and the vibrations from his voice onto her core make her whimper. moments later sierra is releasing all over his tongue, and jack chases it, licking up all of her juices. he uses his fingers and sierra jerks her legs closed, wrapping them around his neck. "damn, sierra." jack says, prying her legs off of him and getting up.

he pulls his shirt off and sierras eyes open at the soft thud it makes when it hits the floor. she outstretches her arms and jack pulls her up and off of the couch. sierra falls into jack as she stands on her own, her legs giving out because they feel like jelly. luckily, jack catches her, holding her close to him. "you good?" he asks.

"no," she says, kissing his neck. sierra holds onto him tightly as she bites and sucks on his skin.

"don't leave any marks," jack rasps out as sierra gets reckless. "hey!" he says, squeezing her tightly as she ignores him. jacks voice is hoarse as he speaks, and sierra pulls back from his neck to look up at him with a devious smile on her face.

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