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sierra sits against the headboard of the bed while jack trims his beard in the bathroom. boredly, she flips her phone back and forth in her hands. truly, she just wants to be laid up under jack for the rest of their trips, to forgive and forget, but something keeps gnawing at the back of her mind, not letting her forget or even completely forgive him.

she's not an insecure girl, but like everyone else, she has her moments. she doesn't think jack would ever cheat on her, believes that he would never, but you can't predict anything. and given the lifestyle he lives, and all the shit that comes along with it, she's on guard. that doesn't go to say that she's never had her moments where she thought he was cheating on her—the missed phone calls, coming late when he said he'd be there on time, the constant being on the road—she had her suspicions, especially towards the end.

but something feels different, like they're both holding something back. she knows what she's holding back about cole, even though she never actually did anything with him. all she did was call him for company that she never received.

the bathroom door opens, and jack comes out with a slightly shorter beard. "better?" he asks, walking over to her and giving her a quick kiss.


jack puts a hand on the side of her face, gently stroking her cheek. it's the gentlest he's touched her since that first day here. when the switch got flipped and they started going at each other's throats, sierra doesn't even know. she wants to reverse time to make none of their issues happen, but she can't.

"you wanna go out with me tonight?" jack asks, running a hand through her hair.

"we can't stay in tonight?" she questions, toying with the chain around his neck. she drags her fingers down the diamonds bezel's, watching her hands.

as much as jack wants to stay in with her, he also wants to go out to celebrate finishing the video. "just for a few hours," he says, rubbing her leg. sierra sighs and reluctantly nods. after three days of nonstop partying and drinking, she wants to just relax and let her liver take a moment to regroup.

jack smiles triumphantly and kisses the back of her hand. "just let me change," she says, getting out of the bed. she's wearing jeans and a small top—the most clothes she's put on in days, but it's not very 'club-ish'. sierra goes to her suitcase and digs around before pulling out a gold, silk, long sleeve dress with puffy sleeves and a deep v.

she takes the dress and goes into the bathroom
to change and touch up her makeup, leaving jack alone in the bedroom. he lays flat on the bed and closes his eyes, unable to keep them open. he's honestly tired, but he wants to go out. it would be easier to just stay in, and do everything tomorrow but something is pushing him to go out tonight.

"you're sleeping?" sierra asks, coming out of the bathroom ten minutes later.

"huh?" jack asks, barely opening his heavy eyes. sierra shakes her head, as if to say i told you so. jack doesn't even try to sit up, and closes his eyes back. "give me ten more minutes, baby."

"i'll give you the whole night. we're staying here," sierra says with finality. she's slightly annoyed that she just got ready for nothing, but it's not like she even wanted to go out. so, in a way, she wins.

jack lazily beckons her over and him and she sits down on the edge of the bed. he puts his hand on her back and starts rubbing up and down before pulling her down onto his chest. she doesn't protest about her makeup, or the fact that her dress is probably getting ruined. instead, she lets herself enjoy the first moments of peace they've had all trip.


loud ringing sounds through the room. jack rolls over, smushing his face into his pillow to try to drown out the sound. he knows it's not his phone because his is on silent and in his pocket. "turn that shit off," he groans, gently hitting sierra.

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