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four loud bangs sound at sierra door, jolting her awake. her heart rate spikes in fear, and she quickly rolls out of bed and throws her robe on before speed walking out of her bedroom.

she looks out the peephole, only to see nobody. she glances around the foyer in fear, and hesitantly opens the door. a large bouquet of roses sits in front of the door with a little white envelope sticking out of the top. sierra gasps in relief at the lack of a murderer and squats down to pick up the flowers.

sierra takes them into the kitchen and sets them down on the counter with a sigh. as upset as she at jack, the sent flowers are softening her up, even if he's not here and the flowers are a simple gesture.

she plucks the envelope from the flowers and pulls the note out, opening the card.

enjoy your day, princess.
there's more to come.

she can't help the fact that her eyes starts to water as she reads the short message. when jack cares, he shows it. even if he was in town, she'd definitely get the same treatment, which makes her feel the slightest bit better, but not entirely.

last year on valentine's day, he sent three different bouquets to the door, and then we she got back home from class, there were boxes and bags full of shoes, clothes, and jewelry. he sent in a few bouquets made out of bills, ranging from 10s to 100s. she wasn't expecting him to go all out because the year before it was much more tame, due to the fact that they had only been dating for a month two years ago.
he even sent her a dress; a black corset top with a velvet train that he had a fun time taking off.

that memory, combined with the vagueness of the note, gives her an ounce of hope. as well as an immense feeling of guilt.

with another sigh, sierra transfers the bouquet into a vase before heading back into her room
to get ready for work. she goes into the bathroom to do her business, and nearly starts crying when she looks down and the bowl is red. even if she wanted to possibly get with cole tonight, it would be nearly impossible.

she quickly showers and gets herself cleaned up. then she puts on a pair of black scrubs and pulls her hair back into a low bun, ignoring her makeup routine all together. all she does is brush her eyebrows out and put vaseline on her lips before scheduling an uber to pick her up in five minutes.

grabbing her work bag and shoes, sierra goes back into her living room and sets her stuff down on the table. she puts her feet into her shoes and scrolls on instagram to kill time. it's too early for valentine's day posts, but she sees a few and harshly bites down on her lip. she so wants to be involved in the celebrations and posts, but instead she's alone, and all she's gotten is a bouquet of flowers. at least it's something.


this might go down in history as one of sierras worst work days. first, she was halfway to work in the uber when she realized she grabbed the wrong sneakers, so she's been walking around in white nikes all day, instead of her nurses shoes. it's not that big of a deal since they're still comfortable, but it feels like it's that big of a deal since her day just got progressively worse.

then, she was dealing with one of her youngest patients and had to give him a shot, and kicked and screamed, and scratched her arm hard enough to draw blood. it took everything in her to not parent him, since his real parents wouldn't, and had to step out of the room and collect herself before trying again. she's dealt with children being afraid of the tools and needles, but it's never been this bad. and to top everything else off, it feels like they're understaffed and there's so much to he done, she just wants to lay down and cry for hours.

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