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"are you sure you should be driving?" sierra asks, suddenly aware that they just shared a drink together. she looks over at him, her eyes wide.

"i'm good. i had two sips," he says.

"but—i know, sierra, but i'm good. i promise," he says, looking over at her. she relaxes the slightest bit at his words and sinks deeper into the seat of his car. she turns up the volume of his speakers and taps her fingers to the beat of the song.

sierra doesn't realize they make it to her apartment before his car is coming to a stop. she sits up and takes off her seatbelt before pushing open the door. she stops midway and looks at him over her shoulder and bites the right side of her bottom lip. jack chews on his index finger, a watchful gaze placed on her. "you... you wanna come inside?" she asks.

jack purses his lips to hide a smile, partly because he was hoping she'd ask, and partly because of the innuendo. "yeah," he says, removing his finger his teeth. sierra nods and gets out of the car, letting out a breath as she closes the door. she walks the short walk up to the door, her stomach in knots as she feels jacks presence behind her.

she fumbles with getting the keys in the door, not only because she's tipsy, but because she can't wrap her head around the fact that she asked jack to come inside, and that he's wearing that shirt halfway unbuttoned. "i got it," jack says, after watching four failed attempts. he takes the keys from her and his finger tips brush her knuckles. she steps back and watches as he gets them in successfully.

sierra walks past him into the house and takes off her heels in the living room. jack follows slowly behind her and leans against the wall, a hawk like gaze on her backside as she bends over to pick up her shoes. sierra sucks her teeth as she catches him staring and brushes past him to go to her room. jack is right on her heels and she stops him as she reaches her door. "uh-uh."


"you cannot come in here," she says, blocking him from entering. a playful smile takes residence on jacks face.

"why not?" he asks, putting his hand on her waist and lightly pushing her back into her room. her pulse quickens at the feeling of his hand on her side.

"you play too damn much," she says, pulling out of his grip and slipping into her room without him. she closes the door in his face and leans against it, catching her breath.

"don't take too long!" he says from the other side. sierra smirks and goes to her closet to put her shoes back. she then slips out of her dress and takes off her bra. she grabs the gray SKIMS dress from her drawer and pulls it on, checking herself in the mirror. it is one of the best things she has ever bought, it hugs her body nicely and makes everything look like it's sitting higher than it usually does. 10/10 sierra would recommend.

she comes out of her room to find jack sitting on the couch, his suit jacket off and his phone, keys, and wallet on the table in front of him. he lets out a breathless laugh and drops his head, shaking it side to side. "you can't be serious," he says.

"what?" sierra asks innocently. jack can hear the smirk in her voice without looking at her. he sits up and runs his jaw, his eyes trailing her as she flits across the room. "it's not nice to stare." sierra says, taking a seat in the single rather than the couch that he's sitting on.

"mhm," he mumbles, finally tearing his eyes away from her. sierra brings her feet up onto the couch and glances over at him. his knee bounces wildly and he has finger in between his teeth again—a nervous habit. sierra checks out her nails and lets out a breath.

"you thirsty?" she asks, rising from her seat. jacks head snaps in her directions and his eyes rake over her body hungrily. he knows she's doing this on purpose.

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