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sunlight peaks through the blinds, casting golden rays on sierras brown skin. she squints as light hits her eyelids, and she rolls over to keep it out of her face. but when she rolls over, she rolls into an empty space, prompting her to open her eyes.

sierra pats the space next to her, as if jack is her phone and she lost it between the sheets. she sits up and looks around the room; his shoes are still there, as well as a few other telling items. she knows he couldn't have gone far, maybe back to his place, but he had no reason to leave her here all alone.

before she lets herself go into panic mode, she slips out of bed and puts on a pair of slippers and her robe before heading out into the living room.

a gasp escapes her lips the moment her eyes register what she's seeing in her living room; flowers, balloons, and tons of bags litter the area, covering every inch of floor space. her rug is barely visible beneath everything, as well as her furniture. sierra puts a hand on her forehead and blinks a few times before turning around to go back into her bedroom to grab her phone.

her fingers fly across the number pad at the speed of light as she types his phone number from memory, and puts the phone on speaker. she paces her room as she waits, and finally he picks up the phone. "jack," she says definitively once he picks up.

"happy birthday, baby. you like it?" jack asks, and she can hear the smile in his voice.

"where are you?" she asks, touching her fingers to her lips.

"come outside," he says. sierra lets out a small squeal at his words and runs out of her room and through her apartment. her heart beats excitedly in her chest, and she can't ignore the lump forming in her throat as she pulls the front door open and sees jack sitting outside.

it's the complete opposite of her 21st birthday, and maybe that's why she feels emotional. last year, he wasn't even in the state and only called her, but sent a lot of gifts. sierra doesn't care about gifts—his presence is enough.

"happy birthday, sierra," he says again and she throws herself into his arms, slightly knocking him backwards into his car. jack chuckles and holds onto her tightly, grabbing a fistful or her silk robe. sierra wraps her legs around his own, clinging to him like a koala.

"thank you," she mumbles into his neck, placing a kiss on his throat. "i love you." sierra says, kissing his jaw, not caring about his facial hair. jack rubs circles into her back, and smiles above her head. while it might seem like a lot, he wanted to make up for what he missed in the past. 

"im glad you like it. you deserve it, girl," he says, looking down at her. sierra meets his eye, unable to hold back her smile. jacks eyes trail down her body, stopping at her exposed chest due to her robe slipping open. "you deserve a few things." he mumbles, starting to pull her robe open.

sierra yelps and pushes his hands away, immediately pulling her robe tighter around her body. "we're outside!" she shrieks, but jack only gives her a lopsided.

"lets go inside, then," he grabs her hand and leads her from outside back into her apartment. the moment the door is closed, he has her pressed against it and her robe open to reveal her tiny silk shorts and matching tank top. jack kisses down her neck and to her chest, pressing his knee in between her thighs in the process. 

"jack," sierra sighs, running her hands up his back and tangling them in his hair. "cmon, i need you." she says, eagerly pulling at his hair. though its only been a few days since they last had sex, the extravagant gesture and the way he's grabbing her ass has her feeling extra needy.

jack lifts sierra up and she wraps her legs around his waist. he walks them quickly to her room and tosses her onto the bed, chest heaving up and down as he stands over her. "im about to tear you up," he mumbles, mostly to himself. sierra palms her breast and he tosses off his shirt before crawling on top of her and attaching their lips again. he pushes her silk shorts down and drags two fingers across her underwear-covered slit, the moisture gathering on his fingers. "all for me?" he asks, looking down at her.

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