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dialing sierra's number at a red light, jack connects his phone to the bluetooth and listens to the trill of the phone. it rings and rings, and jack worries that she's not going to answer. they haven't spent a lot of time together lately because sierra got extremely busy with school and the program, and jack started to miss her. he thinks he gota glimpse into how she feels when he's away, and he feels guilty.

"hello?" her angelic voice says on the other line. jack can't help the smile that comes to his face when he hears her voice. they haven't even had time for phone calls, and if they do they're short and she's usually in the middle of doing something.

"hi, sierra," he says.

sierra giggles. "hi, jack. whats up, babe?" she asks. it's quiet in the background and jack is grateful. lately it's been a lot of people in the back, all trying to get her attention and it's extremely loud and annoying for him to hear. he's glad she's gotten a moment of silence for herself.

"you busy tonight?" he asks, even though he already knows. she told him last week that on thursday that she'd finally be free, until the next week when she's going to inevitably be swamped with work and school.

"no, and i'm actually about to leave to go home," she says.

"bet. i'll pick you up in an hour?" he asks. he can practically hear the smile in her voice when she responds with 'okay'. "see you soon, baby." jack says.

"alright. bye jack," they hang up and the smile doesn't leave his face. he's been bored and lonely without her, and being in the studio every single day is getting boring when he doesn't have much to write about, mostly because he has no inspiration. he hasn't gone out much, not because he can't go anywhere without sierra, but because he'd rather go with sierra.

he's still been hanging out with his friends, but it's hard to really enjoy the moment when he's itching to call her every second because it's been awhile.


sierra falls face first onto her bed with a sigh. mentally and physically, she's exhausted. but the fact that she only has two and a half months left before she graduated college is enough to keep her going—not like she'd even think about seriously giving up.

she honestly just wants to sleep for the rest of the night, but she misses jack and wants to see him without making them stay in. it's been a long time since they've gone out on a date that didn't involve people—if you count that day she cried to him in the mall as a date.

her phone rings beside her on the bed, and she rolls over to pick it up. she expects it to be jack, and is shocked when she sees the name cole flashing across the screen. sierra licks her lips and hesitantly answers the phone, putting it on speaker. "hello?"

"whats up, sierra? haven't heard from you in awhile," he says casually, like they talk all of the time. sierra makes a face and runs a hand over her face.

"it's not like we talk everyday, cole. i'm good, though. yourself?" she questions politely. it's weird for him to call this much. every time cole and sierra used to talk, it was in presence of jack and simply that. she considered them to be friends, but never sought each other out without jack being the middle man. for him to hit her up three times in the span of a month, is unsettling, almost.

"i'm alright. ive just been thinking about the conversation we had on valentine's day..." he says trailing off. sierra furrows her eyebrows, unsure of what he's talking about. she knows that he knows that her and jack spent valentine's day together in the end. "i just want to know what if you thought about it?" he says, but it's more of a question.

"thought about what?"

cole lets out a bitter laugh. "for real? you really messing with jack like that?" he asks. when cole developed this crush on her, she couldn't comprehend. she was single for six months, and when she's trying to work things out, he wants to randomly act like this?

rambo / j. harlowWhere stories live. Discover now