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sierra's head rests on jacks chest, one arm slung across his middle. she's curled up in his side and jack has his arm wrapped securely around her.

she shifts against him, curling up closer to him, and jack looks away from his phone to look down at her. "hmm?"

"what?" she asks, looking up at him. jack slides his hand down her hip to her thigh and gently strokes back and forth. sierra cranes her neck up and jack leans down and kisses her. after she told him the truth on valentine's day, jack was still a little bothered, and the topic of cole came up the next day. since she's working on her attitude towards jack, sierra laid it all out for him, and since then it's been smooth sailing. never would either of them have guessed that a lack of honesty would potentially be their downfall—lack of trust, maybe. miscommunication, even. but not other people.

the two of them pull apart and sierra sinks further down on his torso, practically lying on his lap with her head resting on his lower abdomen. jack goes back to scrolling through his phone with one hand while the other rubs on his hip.

jacks phone rings and sierra looks up at him as he answers. "what's up, ray?" jack says, a smile on his face. sierra goes back to paying attention to the tv at the mention of raymond—one of jacks rap friends. "aight... okay... yeah, i'm down tonight. bet, i'll see you later. bye, man." the conversation is short, and jack is giddy as he hangs up.

"who was that?" she asks.

"babyface ray. our song is done," he says. at that, sierra sits up and raises her eyebrows at him.

"can i hear it?" she asks, resting her head on his shoulder. she hasn't been able to not touch jacks tonight; he slept over at her apartment last night and woke up clingy. they've been lounging around her place all day, like this.

jack nods and goes to his text messages with raymond to pull up the official file. he clicks on it and skips to the chorus right before his verse because he knows sierra doesn't care to hear the full song if it's a remix.

sierra's face is neutral as she listens to the first bars of his verse. she smirks at the scammer remarks, but it slowly morphs into an oh really? look as she listens to him rap about naked fans. it's not like jack hasn't said anything similar to this before, but that doesn't mean she has to be okay with it, whether it's the truth or not.

"she got a good heart, but she just a little petty," jack raps on the phone. sierra scoffs and hits him lightly on the chest and he only smiles at her because they both know it's true—shall we bring up valentine's day again?

stopping the song once it's over, jack looks at her with an expectant look. "it was aight," sierra says nonchalantly, examining her bare nails. jack sucks his teeth and shakes his head.

"don't hate the player, hate the game," he says, tapping her leg.

scoffing, sierra rolls her eyes. "fuck you both. but it was good," she says honestly, kissing his cheek. jack wraps his arm around her waist and turns his head to place a chaste kiss on her lips.

"we're going out tonight, by the way," he says. raymond told him that he was going to be in atlanta tonight and invited him out to the strip club, and then asked him to shoot the music video for the paperwork party remix the next day.

sierra groans and drops her head onto his shoulder. "i thought we were staying in this weekend?" she whines.

"babe, come on," jack says. sierra shakes her head, burying her face in his neck. "fine. i'll just have fun at the strip club alone." he says, sighing dramatically. sierra shrugs, but they both know that she's going now that he mentioned the strip club. she doesn't even care if he goes to the strip club without her—she's gone plenty of times without him present—but she'd rather go with him too.

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