Chapter 31 The Garbage Dump

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Susie POV:

I blinked twice before getting up.. I wasn't dead. Cool. "L...Looks like this trash pile saved us" I said surprised. "Nice" (Y/N) said dusting himself off. "Cmon" I said. Everyone else jumped out except me. "Haha! Who's king of the trashpile now?!" I asked triumphantly before laughing. Suddenly a red wheel thing took off making me fall down. "O...Ow!" I said wincing in pain. "Susie?!" (Y/N) asked running to me. "Are you okay?" He asked holding my hand. I blushed and stood up. "Heh it's nothing I just" I suddenly fell back down. 

Ralsei came over to check me out. "Want me to look Susie?" He asked. "Look at what I'm fine!" I shouted. He knelt down and started touching my side. "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU?!" I suddenly felt all the pain go away. "Feel better?" He asked. "FEEL BETTER?! AFTER YOU CAME UP AND- I mean it doesn't feel worse I guess" I replied. "How do you do that anyway?" I asked Ralsei. That... Healing thing". "Oh my healing magic? It's simple anyone can do it!" He said. "I could even teach you if your interested!" Ralsei added. "Heh, ask me again when it's blood explosion magic" I joked. "But uhm if you wanted I guess I could learn it" I replied honestly interested. "Well if he did teach you I think you could do it Susie" (Y/N) said supportively. "Thanks you dork" I replied patting his shoulder. "Awwwww. And I'll teach you once we get a break Susie!" Ralsei told me. "Yea... let's go guys" I said starting to follow Kris.

"There's a fork in the path Kris, seems like it might be advantageous if we split up" Ralsei said. "Who do you want to go with?" He asked. "Why does Kris always get to choose?! Cmon nerds ya coming with me!" I said grabbing Ralsei and (Y/N)'s hands. I grinned as I was able to lead the way for once, able to make choices for once. I kept walking and eventually saw something. "Aww sick a carnival! We should head there" I said sprinting over. "Not if I beat you there!" (Y/N) said sprinting past me. "Oh it's on!" I said as I tried to catch up. "Wait for me!" Ralsei said running. After 2 minutes of running we were there. "What took you so long?" (Y/N) asked. "Ah shut it" I said punching his shoulder. "Owww owww mercy" He said in a fake hurt tone. Ralsei arrived panting a bit. "Hfff okay so, we're here. What should we do?" He asked. "Dunno.. hmm I'm hungry" I admitted. "How about some cotton candy?" (Y/N) asked pointing to a booth. "Nice! Erm... crud I don't got any cash" I sighed. "Not to worry Susie" (Y/N) said going over and sliding some dark dollars to the cashier.

"Hey lemme pay every now and then" I said a bit ashamed I could never pay. "Don't worry bout it Susie, I'll pay for ya and Ralsei any time" (Y/N) replied. "Awww thanks (Y/N)!" Ralsei said. I just smiled and started to eat my cotton candy. It looked a bit odd cuz of my snout but hey bigger bites was nice. (Y/N) kinda stared making me blush a bit. I couldn't tell if it was cuz of how I ate or if it was cuz he found me attractive.

(Y/N) pov:

I smiled admiring Susie's beauty, however I then felt a bit odd. I felt like we were being watched by someone. "Hey dude ya okay?" Susie asked me. "Yea, just felt like we were being watched... probably nothing" I replied. Susie shrugged. "Hey while we wait for Kris to get back how about we get to teach you healing Susie?" Ralsei asked. "Sure why not" She replied. "Great! Okay first we need to find an enemy" He said. 

We eventually found one and commenced in battle. "Okay everyone, let's defend to build up some magic" I commanded. Everyone obeyed me and I was targeted. I dodged all the shots and then Ralsei started talking. "Okay Susie, now that we have some magic built up focus your emotion. Try focusing your positive attitude into healing energy" Ralsei told him. "Ugh that sounds weird" Susie said. "Susie just try, I know you can do it" he encouraged. She sighed and then closed her eyes focusing. She opened them and put her hands above each other like forming a sphere and then... nothing happened. "I... I don't have enough energy" She said looking defeated. 

"Then we'll get more!" I said defending. Susie tried again. I got very close to the bullets to increase tension which further built up magic. I got hit once wincing. "(Y/N) Be careful!" Susie said to me. "It doesn't matter we maxed out our magic" I reported. "...Yea, yea we did" Susie said with a slight smirk. "Now try again Susie" Ralsei said. Susie focused and got the same pose. She then sighed and focused harder. She grunted and struggled still focusing the energy. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Susie... I believe in you" I whispered in her ear. Suddenly a greenish sphere formed in her hands. Susie then shot it... at an enemy. "...Whoops" She said with a slight chuckle. "Susie you did it!" Ralsei said. "Hah, yea I did. Easy peasy" She chuckled. I patted her back and grinned. Susie grinned back with that lovely smile of hers. After a bit longer the battle was over and the enemies were spared. "Haha, how was that?" Susie asked Ralsei as we walked back to the stands. "Haha, Susie your not supposed to attack people with it" Ralsei chuckled. "Yea attack us" I added. "Oh yea? Watch me" She said grinning.

We all looked forward to see Kris. "Kris there you are!" Ralsei said smiling happily. "Kris! Check out my new attack!" Susie said readying herself. She then fired her attack. Kris was healed barely. "Heh, how's that? Meet your new healing master Kris!" Susie said confidently. "Oh yes she's a real 'master' at it" Ralsei said sarcastically. "Teaching you sarcasm was not a mistake" Susie sighed. "Hahaha! Oh Kris what do you have there?" Ralsei asked. "Is that a gift for someone?" He asked. He gave it to Ralsei. "H-Huh? Your giving it to me? Kris I've never gotten gift like this before" Ralsei said before picking up a ball. "I'll win something for you Kris!" Ralsei said before tossing a ball at a box headed figure. "Noelle?!" Susie asked surprised. "The hell were you doing in there that's cheating" Susie told her. Noelle just stuttered. After a bit she got in line and we all followed Kris

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