Chapter 14 The BIG Question

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(Y/N) POV:

I walked into school today, it was rather normal actually. I had thought about Susie and how she said yes so easily and so early... I knew that I had a bit of a crush on Susie ever since I moved into hometown a few months ago. Then again that's when I liked her for how she looked and thought she was a bully. Now I know she's nice in looks and also as a monster. However I don't understand why Susie said yes to me. Did she have a thing for me before I knew as well or is it something else? I asked myself this question before going over to the bulletin board to read about some school events or anything.

One post read 'The Sadie hawkman's dance, a dance where the parents wear hawk heads and prevent students from getting within several feet of each other' I just chuckled at that last part assuming it was a joke. Perhaps that would make a good first date or well second date I guess. Either way I'd still like to go with Susie. I blushed at the thought and then sighed. I walked into class and sat down at my usual desk, behind Kris and next to Susie. Surprisingly Susie was already here.

"Well looks like someone is early" I joked. "Well I had to bring breakfast to school that's why I'm early" Susie said before starting to eat a dry toaster waffle. "Ahh I see" I replied as I kept the of asking her to the dance thought in my head. I looked at Susie every now and then blushing a little bit each time I did. I then started to look back at the board and take a few notes every now and then to study. Susie was doing the same but I swear I saw her head turn towards me every now and then.

Susie POV:

I had so many thoughts fluttering in my head. I know I chose (Y/N) because he was pretty much my first real friend other then Kris and also he did so much for me and was so kind despite not having any reason to do that. It made me have these feelings and thoughts that just made our relationship seem so right... like we were almost meant to be in love or whatever. I sighed and looked down at my work and continued writing luckily not writing any shit about what I just thought, I sometimes have those with my brain being fucky.

After a good long while we had finally finished our main lesson and then walked to the cafeteria. "Hey dork" I said with a smirk as I sat down. "Hey Susie" (Y/N) said with a smile before giving me a quick hug that almost no one would notice save for Kris. They just watched and then started eating. I felt my face heat up a bit before I started eating. "Heh so then, got any plans tonight dork? Uh and if you wanna you too Kris" I said to them. They sighed and shook their head and gave (Y/N) a look. "Oh, he wants too... but he has to go to an appointment... Kris has been diagnosed with well a lot" (Y/N) said. "Poor dude... ya strong Kris. Let no one tell ya otherwise... even if I did once or twice" I said. 

"Heh guess I owe ya both an apology huh?" I asked. "Oh not at all Susie" (Y/N) comforted. Kris then nodded and gave a thumbs up. "Wellll I'm still sorry for the names I called ya two or whatever" I said before face palming at my half assed apology. Kris actually... smiled a little bit. "Kris seems happy. And we accept Susie" (Y/N) said.I smiled a bit. "Heh, thanks dude" I replied before starting to eat again. "I'm so glad I decided to pick that dork as mine" I thought to myself before blushing a little bit. (Timeskip)

(Y/N) POV:

School had just ended and I took a deep breath, and walked over to Susie. "Uhhh erm hey Susie" I said with a slight smile. "Heh sup dork?" She asked looking at me. Before I could say my next sentence Susie bumped into someone, it was Noelle. "Oi watch where ya goin fluffy runt" She said before following me again. "Erm anyway as I was uh s-saying... would uh you maybe wanna uh come to the uh school dance with me? Erm as a date?" I asked blushing extremely. Susie instantly started blushing as well as I saw red start spreading across her face.

"...I mean not like I was gonna do anything else that night... so sure" She said with a slight grin. "R-Really?! Erm I mean uh see you there then I guess" I said trying to play it off before starting to walk home. I got home and walked up to my room and locked the door. I then let out a quick exhale. "Yes yes yes yes yes!" I said before falling on my bed. I then realized I had trapped Toby in the room with me. "Oh heh, hi Toby" I said before petting him.

Susie POV:

I walked home thinking only about how (Y/N) had asked me and how I said yes. "I am sooooo un prepared for this" I sighed before sitting on my bed and then looking at my wardrobe seeing just the same shit... I had nada. I may be screwed but at least on the plus side I wasn't gonna disappoint him... right? "Oh who the hell am I kidding of course I'm gonna disappoint him. How the fuck could he accept a shitty confession from an ugly purple bitch?" I asked myself before looking in the mirror and then looking down. I then decided to get on my Xbox and play a bit. That usually manages to distract me from the bad thoughts and feelings.

How the hell did if fall for me? Was the last question I asked myself before starting to play a round of Halo

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