Chapter 34 Aftermath

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Susie POV:

I groaned as I woke up from a deep sleep. I looked over and saw (Y/N) laying on my chest. I blushed a little and rolled my eyes. "Shoot must've fallen asleep during that monster movie..." I said aloud as Kris and Toriel were also fast asleep. I grabbed onto (Y/N)'s shoulder and shook it. "Wake up dude, we fell asleep" I said shaking him. He yawned and stretched. "Oh hey Susie" He said with a slight smile on his face. 

"How ya doing you dork?" I asked him. "Fine. Heh seems we fell asleep huh... er was the T.V always staticy like that?" He asked. I looked over at the T.V "Huh must not have noticed" I replied as I turned it off with the remote. "Welp we got school today. Guess we better be ready to do that eh?" I asked. "ugh yea, but hey with you around that sounds like fun ya know" (Y/N) said with a slight grin.

"Ha! In a dream maybe" I said laughing. "Your in my dreams" (Y/N) flirted. I felt my face heat up. "Shut up you fuckin dork" I said to him before punching his shoulder lightly. I then stood up making him jolt back and onto Kris who then woke up. Kris shoved (Y/N) off of them. "Heh wakey wakey everyone" I said before then going over to the fridge. Honestly I was starved so I just grabbed some toaster waffles. "Aye Kris can I have these?" I asked the human. They nodded and I grinned as I started eating. "Er Susie your supposed to toast them" (Y/N) said. "Whatever" I said with my mouth full of food as I kept eating.


I walked out of the house with (Y/N). "So wait ya telling me you seriously decided it'd be a good idea to fire an arrow near a teacher?!" I asked trying not to laugh. "Yeaaaaa. I shot it and it ended up right in his leg. Suspended for a week and I regret it" (Y/N) said before I let out a couple laughs and chuckles. "Man I never expected ya to do something that stupid" I said still laughing. "Oh shut it Susie. At least I didn't hang a kid over the toilet with his own belt" He replied. "Dude that was epic and you know it" I said before messing up his hair. "Okay maybe it was kinda funny but that's it. Besides I thought ya weren't a bully anymore" (Y/N) stated. "Yea, I ain't anymore. Ya made me go soft dork" I said rolling my eyes.

(Y/N) POV:

"Oh don't roll those pretty eyes at me" I flirted. "Shut up" She simply replied blushing a bit. "Pretty girl pretty girl pretty girl" I teased before running. "Oh no ya don't get back here!" Susie said before running after me. I kept running, feeling the crisp autumn wind in my hair as I heard Susie running behind me. "You'll never catch me Susie!" I said as I then heard a thud! and "Dammit!" I instantly turned around to see Susie holding her knee and on the ground on her back. "Shit Susie are you okay?" I asked running straight to her. "Heh, I am now" She said before grabbing me and pinning me to the side walk. "Checkmate" She said in a snarky tone. "No fair you cheated!" I protested.

"All is fair in love and war" She said before kissing me on the cheek and then picking me up as if I were a child or perhaps a certain smol salesman. "Alright cmon we're gonna go do something. I dunno what but we are" Susie told me. "Okay, but can you put me down?" I asked. "Haha, nope. Your way too light, hell I could bench press you" Susie said grinning as she carried me around. "Alright, I'll let you do it but under one condition. I get to boop you and stare into your pretty eyes." I said booping her snout. "Oh hell nah" Susie said blushing before setting me down. "Checkmate" I said with a smirk as we walked down the road. "Yea yea whatever we both got weaknesses" Susie said as we continued our walk. 

"Susie, what made you love me?" I asked her as I was genuinely curious. "... heh to be honest I think it's cuz I just had no idea what love is till now. Your honestly the first person to show me any love or affection despite the shit I've done to you. That and well ya not such a bad lookin dude" Susie told me. "How bout you?" She asked me. "To be quite honest it used to be just because I thought you were hot. Then I learned a lot about you in the dark world. Learned how caring, and adamant you are to protect your friends. I realized you weren't as bad as I thought and that I'd like to have a partner like you at my side" I told Susie. "Wow... ya think I'm hot? and you think I'm a nice person?" Susie asked. "Hell yea" I replied. "Heh thanks you sappy dork" Susie said punching my shoulder.

I just smiled and then held Susie's hand making us both blush as we kept walking down town. It was a nice day. I was so glad I got to spend it with her. And on top of that things were going so well in school and at home. It was amazing...

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"Why did you shove me out?! I could've had that one! Remember our deal you pathetic lifeform! I swear on my life I will kill everyone. And you WILL help me or you shall be imprisoned for the rest of your pathetic life. Understand?" I asked. There was nothing but silence. "Hmpf, don't answer... Your choices don't matter. Defy me again and they will die. Shove me out once more and they die. If you veer away from my plan they all DIE!" I shouted. I sighed knowing they wouldn't talk. All attempts to get them to were unsuccessful.

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