Chapter 3

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I got up the next morning in agony. I got washed my face and put on concealer.
I threw on my black and white plaid button up shirt and black jeans with horseshoe earrings and of course my boots.

I walked/ limped downstairs and sat on the bar stool.

"Morning Brookey." Noah shouted grabbing my waist.

"Morning Noah." I mumbled.

I got up and limped to school. I was half way there when Matt pulled up beside me.

"Brooke get in." He demanded and did as I was told to avoid being rude.

"Mornin' Matt." I said he chuckled.

"What?" I asked.

"Your accent it's so cute."

I started to blush. It sounded like he had forgot about our conversation last night.

I rested my hand on the arm rest and he put his arm on top of mine. We pulled up into the parking lot of the school. I got up out of the car.

"Wait Brooke." He said and I sat back down in the car. He leaned in and I leaned in. Before I could process what was happening I kissed back. There were fireworks. Our lips moved in sync and he broke the kiss.

"I didn't know you felt like that." He stated.

"I didn't know you felt like that either."

We both got out of the car.

"Matt I'm sorry we can't be a thing."


I hesitated but then decided to tell him.
We kissed.

"We just can't I'm sorry." I said and walked to my class.

-•-•-•- After School -•-•-•-•-•
"Hey Brooke!" Matt called.

I started to pick up the pace of my walking, but I felt a hand on my shoulder. I tried to hide the pain but I shed a tear.

"What?!" I asked.

He leaned in and kissed my lips. There were fireworks.

"What did you feel "

Fireworks Matt! I felt fireworks!!

"Nothing." I replied.

"Fine. I'm sorry I even bothered."

I ran off. I didn't know where I was going but I ran.

I ended up going into the woods. I sat on a rock and cried. I found a sharp stick and dragged it along my wrist.

"Who are you?" This voice asked.

I looked behind me.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry!" I said covering up the blood from my wrist.

"No, don't be. What's your name?" She asked.

"Brooke. What's yours?"

"Emma." She said and sat beside me on the rock.

"I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone."

"No, please stay." She insisted patting the spot beside her.

I went over and sat beside her. She showed me her wrists. I showed her mine and I unbuttoned my shirt revealing my under shirt and bruised shoulders.

"Oh my god!" She spoke surprised.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have showed you."

"No, please we can talk. When ever you feel like cutting or he beats you, you can call me." She said handing me her phone number.

"How do you know he beats me?" I asked.

"It was just a guess. My dad used to beat my mom and she had bruises like yours so I guessed."


"Yeah." She replied back.

We sat and talked for hours about beating, cutting, boys, feelings.

"Oh my gosh it's 5:45. My dad is gonna get so mad." I said.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry let me drive you home."


We got in her car and drove to my house. I opened the front door and walked. There they were all my brothers, dad and mom.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Dad asked angrily.

"I was out with a friend."

"Was it Matt?" He asked with steam practically shooting out his ears.

"No, it was a girl Emma."

My dad marched over and threw me on the floor and started punching me.

"Dad get off her!" Grayson demanded.

He kept punching me and started kicking me.

"Dad get off her!!" All the boys screamed while trying to peel dad off me.

They finally managed to get him off of me. Everything went blurry. My eyes were fluttering and everything went black.

I'm Fine //Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now