Chapter 2

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"No.. wait.. don't leave me.. Wait!! PLEASE! DON--"

"Good morning Xiao! I see you slept well, how do you feel?"
Xiao suddenly woke up, dripped in sweat and looked at her. It was Verr Goldet.
He sighed. And fell back into his bed.

The sun was rising up in his "room", if you even could call it that. It was just the top of the Inn where his bed-thing was standing. It was warm, but also cold. Probably because the sun wasn't too far shining apon the eart yet.

"Morning. I haven't slept a minute."
Xiao lied, he slept very well after.. god knows how long, he was still tired tho. That one thought kept on following him.. "Why does he keep on following me.. I need to find him.."

"Well.. anyway.. we have breakfast for you, and the person who uh.. brought you here yesterday is back, too."

Xiao's eyes widened, he's back?! Could it be the person he was wanting to meet for so long? Wait.. he needed to calm down. He can't have her worry about him.

"I'll come downstairs. But please, let me wake up for now."

"Sure, Xiao, take your time."
And he watched her walk away.. He stood up, put his jeans right, which moved a bit through all the turning from yesterday in bed, and walked downstairs.

He couldn't wait to see him, was it the person he was hoping to meet for so long? Was it maybe him?!

Walking, walking down the Inn.. he saw him.
There he was... he was- Zhongli? Wait- MORAX?!

"Oh, good morning, Xiao. Care for a breakfast together? It's on me."

Since when does this fellow have money? Well.. it's an honour to be around him anyway.

Both of them sat down in the corner again, the exact corner he sat down too, yesterday. Xiao looked a bit awkward around, he didn't know the real Lord of Geo saved him.. and why?

"So.. why did you come back here, Mo-- I mean, Zhongli?.."

"Just to check appon you, you were badly hurt after yesterday, I saw. You don't know, but a lot more monsters came after you passed out. And I knew you couldn't keep that up anymore."

"Oh.. how can I.. thank you? You saved me, again.. is there any way to pay off my debt?"

"Well.. that's exactly why I'm here. Xiao."


"His name is.. Venti, he's a.. bard from Monstadt, he needs a tour around Ly--"

"I'm sorry. But I have to say no. I am not serving any mortals for that specific reason. I too have a reputation, Mor--.. Zhongli.."
After he noticed who he actually was talking to, he just silently ate his food that was already on the table.

"..Hm, I'm sure you'll like this fellow though. He's.. quite different, too. But if you don't want to, I guess next time I'll just let you lay there and die."

Damn.. Xiao thought. He forgot that he was so aggressive too when it comes to fairness.. but he had to keep his reputation up...

"Isn't there anything else I can do.. maybe.. I don't know, sort things at the Funeral Parlor for a day?"

"No, I can handle that job, YOU, need to help Venti. He needs it, please. Maybe he'll even play a tune or two as a reward."

A song.. Xiao thought, could it be him? No. That's not possible.. he's probably dead anyway.. from his memory, he looked a lot like Barbatos, which.. is from Monstadt as well.. and.. ugh! He's overthinking again, he should just say no an--

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