Chapter 12

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Inside the domain, it was cold. Very, cold. And the deeper they got inside, the colder it was. And the less they felt powerful.

Venti and Zhongli were looking around for any electro energy, which was a trail for a very long time, until.. it suddenly stopped in a huge, empty room.

Light flashed on the two, as if they were in a circus. And then, all at the top was standing.. Scaramouche.

"Good evening. So, you two have arrived? Heh. Guess that the brain-dead ginger is good for SOMETHING." Scaramouche crossed his arms over each other, as Zhongli and Venti looked at each other.

"I know that HE brought you here. And I know that he knew about the electro energy. This, was all planned."

"Wait- what?! He lead us in here? Why would.. Childe.."

"Ah yes. Of course. You pathetic gods are nothing compared to what I have in store for you. This domain, it feeds of anger and pain. And what is better than an Adeptus in a large dept of karma? It was the perfect plan to make the perfect weapon, to destroy everything. Mondstadt, Liyue.. every. single. inch. is going to be ours."

Suddenly, Xiao dropped from the sky, he was inside a cage that was hanging from the ceiling. Xiao was sitting in it, curled up in pain. He opened his eyes and saw Venti, which made him already a lot happier, but that still wasn't enough to help him out of pain.

"Xiao! Hang in there! I promise I'll saf-" Xiao's cage fell down, with him in it. Because of the cage, he couldn't use his powers, and even if he could, he was too weakened, but before it could really fall on the ground, Venti made a wind current to keep him safely up. And looked angrily at Scaramouche.

"You-" Venti angrily started to approach Scaramouche, but before he'd even done two steps, Zhongli already held him back.

"Don't. That'll only give him more power, and you less." He said coldly as he pulled Venti back to him. Venti rolled his eyes, as Scaramouche continued his story.

"As midnight falls.. and the moon shines brightly.. The weapon, shall rise."

"..Hm. And you're not even strong enough to fight yourself? If you want to fight and get your job done, you must defeat the gods of the cities first, hm?" Zhongli crossed his arms.

"Oh no worries.. this "Weapon" will take very good care of that."

A sudden, bright purple flash filled the room, all elemental power from the gods got drained out of them, and so Xiao and the cage fell on the ground, luckily, not too hard. For a moment, ther could be nothing seen but purple and after a while..

"With her power.. with her on my side..." Scaramouche said slowly, Zhongli and Venti got ready to fight as something out of the purple dust approached the two.

"The RAIDEN SHOGUN." Raiden approached Zhongli rapidly, and attacked him with her electro sword, Zhongli was quick enough to grab his spear and block the attack. In the meanwhile, Venti slowly was sneaking away, and through the dust, he went to Xiao, trying to get him out of the cage.

But he couldn't, the electro energy on the cage was too big for the god with no elemental power to handle. Venti reached out for Xiao, and smiled.

"We're going to get you out of here.. I promise."

In the meanwhile, Zhongli and the Shogun were still fighting, Zhongli screamed out her name.
"EI, STOP THIS INSTANT." and a huge, purple dust cloud covered the domain.

It was quiet, for a long time. As soon as Ei has awoken.

"..that's right.. you were the two who warned me for this Scaramouche.. hm." Ei had put her sword away and thought for a moment.

"I suppose.. for this, I shall spare you. But this little guy.."

Scaramouche backed up and looked at Venti. "W-What- What have you done? Don't you know.. how dangerous she i-"

"Ei is a good person. The only thing I did was pay a little visit before entering this domain." Venti stood up, Zhongli crossed his arms and Ei slowly walked up to Scaramouche, with sword in hand.

"N-No.. no.. you're.. you're not- you're not going to-" Scaramouche was about to disappear by teleporting away, but he couldn't, not only the gods, but also his elemental power got taken away.

Scaramouche backed up in fear as Ei finished him, but the two over at the cage, didn't seem to care much.

Venti was sitting next to Xiao by the cage again, and held his hand, smiling up at Xiao, which Xiao gave a small smile back in response.

"Venti.. I actually have to.. say something to you.. I.. I uhm.. I think I li--" But before Xiao could finish his sentence, Ei walked up to the cage and broke the lock on the cage, freeing Xiao.

"..I suppose that this will do. But next time, Barbatos, clean up your own harbinger. I already defeated two that troubled you.. and you, Morax." Ei looked at Zhongli, "Have you already dealt with.. the 11th?"

Zhongli looked around and nod silently. As Venti giggled awkwardly. "Okay.. okay I promise next time I'll-"

"You always say that. Next time, please keep your promises." Venti laughed and nod happily, grabbing Xiao by the hand again and dragging him out of the cage.

"I told you I'll get you out of here! Are you okay again? That must be really though sitting here.." Venti held both Xiao's hands for a while. They looked in each other's eyes for a good five minutes, Xiao silently grabbed Venti's hip, and leaned a bit in but all of the sudden, Venti hugged Xiao.

"I'm glad. I'll take better care of you.. let's just..we can.. hmm..  go to Monstadt for a while? If you'd like, I can show you my favourite spot!"

Xiao, still hugging Venti just closed his eyes and nod, hugging him a bit tighter, it felt like to him he was about to fall asleep of how comfortable he was, but he did his best not to.

"Sure Venti.. but.. I want to go back to the Inn now.. all of this was draining a lot of energy.. and..I think I need some rest now.."

"Of course! Let's get you to bed! Hehe! Zhongli, you coming?"

"Oh- yeah. Of course." Zhongli thanked Ei for her help, she nod and waved as the gods and Xiao left the domain.

And when they left, they saw Childe standing there, very happy to see them again. "Hey! How did it go? Did you defeat the all mighty Scaramouche?" Childe joked, as Xiao only showed pure disgust for him.

"Hey now- I saved your life! I was the on-"

"Let's get going, Childe." Zhongli coldly said as he started walking again.

"Oh.. okay.. I guess you found out, huh?" Childe followed them, Venti had Xiao on his back and carried him all the way back to the Inn, Zhongli walked with them, automatically having Childe follow them too.

On the way there, it was very quiet, the only noise that could be heard was Xiao's sleeping noises, which Venti seemed to enjoy quite a lot.

"Well, that seems about it for this trip. I'm going to get Xiao back inside, I'll see you guys later again!" Venti waved as soon as they arrived at the Inn, Childe smiled a bit and turned around together with Zhongli and started to talk, in the meanwhile, Venti had used some Anemo power to get quickly to the top of the Inn again.

Venti put Xiao in his bed, and then layed down in it himself too. He put the blanket over the two, and looked at Xiao's sleeping face, he blushed a bit and smiled, Venti grabbed him by his hips, pulled him closer, and hugged him as he fell asleep a couple minutes later.

The warmth of the two bodies were warm enough for a person already get sleepy by just being around it, and now that Xiao always had problems with sleeping, but now that he was calm, Venti could also calmly sleep.


1378 words! Ughh sorry I was so inactive, I'm very motivated to write again so I'll make more chapters soon! again, my apologies, thank you for being so patient with me (/・ω・(-ω-)

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