Chapter 14

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"..You're saying you don't have a place to stay?"

"Hehe.. yeah??"

"Ugh.. what do we do now? We can't just- stand here now can we?"
Xiao looked around, they were at the big plaza under the giant statue, it was already getting dark and most people we're leaving.

"Well, we could, I won't age a bit anyway!" Venti smiled, and looked back at Xiao, who was getting annoyed a bit.

"..Just kidding, I know a spot where we could rest. Normally, I just walk around Monstadt, enjoying the view and falling asleep on a meadow, but you're a special guest so let's take you somewhere fun!"

"Fun? Well I doubt i--"
Venti grabbed Xiao's pulse and dragged him with, cutting him off.

After hours of walking peacefully together, and the silently enjoying Xiao, they arrived at a huge tree. Xiao looked at Venti, confused, which in response Venti giggled.

"Hm? What's wrong Xiao? Never seen a tree this big before?"

"Huh? No. Of course I have. Exactly, I know one similar to this one."

"Ohh? Really? Well, you should definitely show me one time!"

Venti smiled and slowly went up, with a high enough wind curtain to reach the top, leaving it for Xiao to get up too.

Xiao blushed, a similar tree made him feel even more connected to the other, he felt so special to be able to hang out with a god. He took a deep breath, clearing the blush of his face and gliding up to the tree, together with Venti.

"It's not much but uh.. it's where I stay mostly!" Venti closed his eyes, smiling at Xiao.

"So, make yourself at home, and relax!"
Venti grabbed Xiao's head gently and put it on his shoulder once both of the have sat down. Xiao blushed slightly, looking away to hide it, but what Xiao didn't notice due to looking away, is that Venti actually had a brighter blush than he had.

He wanted to confess his love to him, but he didn't know how, and when. Ever since Venti saw Xiao back then, he couldn't help but think about him. But, at that time, he didn't wanted to lose another friend, so he stayed quiet.

He finally has the courage to say it, and the will to say it "Xiao.. I!-"

Xiao was looking away still, he probably didn't hear Venti now he was completely lost in thought.
'Me? On Barbatos' shoulder? How crazy can it get..' He thought silently as he looked at some slimes hopping in the very far distance.

Venti sighed, he moved closer to Xiao, ready to grab his cheeks to give him a kiss.

"Hey Venti I-"
Xiao looked at Venti, who was surprisingly close, both of them blushed and backed away, Venti nearly falling off the big branch, luckily, he didn't.

"Oh my- I'm so sorry Bar- I mean Venti to have startled you I-"
Venti boosted himself up with a bit more Anemo power, but it was a bit too much, making Venti fall on top of Xiao for one side.

"A-Ah.. no worries.. it's- it's fine.."
Venti said, blushing and quickly standing up, walking over to another nearby branch.

"..Where are you going?"
Xiao said, with an almost disappointed tone, looking at Venti walking.

"Ehmm... maybe it's best if I sit over here! Then- we both have more space." Venti sat in the exact same spot, but only in front of Xiao, and 8 feet away from him.

Xiao nodded, and leaned his head back against the giant tree, sighing and getting ready to sleep, as it was getting darker the second.

And after a while, the only thing that gave light around the two were their visions, the statue of the seven, and the Anemo crystal flies around them. Which made something very unique around Venti, a heart shaped crystal fly flied from Venti up to Xiao's hair, and sat there until the next day.


And before any of them knew, it was already day again. Xiao was the first one to wake up and look for any danger around Venti from 300m around of him, a huge, but exact circle Xiao has patrolled. To make it safer for Venti to wake up.

Xiao also looked around for some berries to hand Venti as soon as he woke up and washed them and his face in the nearest river.

Venti stood suddenly, out of nothing, without a single sound, behind him. Xiao gasped, and growled at Venti for scaring him, which Venti just laughed at.

They spend their time, enjoying each other's company back at the tree. Venti ate the berries Xiao got him, which made Venti and Xiao both happy.

"Hmm! These berries are delicious.. and also no enemies around? M-h-m! A perfect day, a perfect weather and a perfect cru-.. I mean, companion to accompany me! Perfect.." Venti sighed, closing his eyes as the sun shined on Venti's calm face, making Xiao blush slightly.

"Ehem, well, after you're done with your.. 'breakfast', will you show me around Monstadt like you said?"
Xiao crossed his arms, Venti smiled, wiping off a small bit of berry juice on his upper lip.

"Of course we will. Actually, I've been really looking forward to it! And.. shouldn't you also eat something?"

"Hm? Hmph. Bold of you to think an adeptus like me to eat. I don't need it. But.. thank you anyway.."
Xiao mumbled the last part, making Venti suspicious of him, but he nodded.

"Welll..if you say so!"

Venti finsihed his berries, and held Xiao's pulse, taking him with towards the city again.

"Ahh, how refreshing, after those berries I'm all filled up and ready for the day!" Venti put his hands behind his back, happily skipping forward, more forward than Xiao was, he spun while walking, he smiled.

Venti grabbed Xiao by his hands and pulled him into the spinning madness, they were both on their ankles, and the only thing keeping them from keeping them balanced was their own weight. The two blushed, Venti giggled and Xiao smiled, and eventually let out a giggle too. That giggle lead to unstoppable laughter, Xiao finally felt free after a long time of emptiness and hollow, and eventually both of them were spinning round and round.

After a while, Venti pulled Xiao in, hugging him as the endless spinning actually came to an end. Venti was smiling, and Xiao was panting, the rush of excitement was still inside of him. And so, he closed his eyes and hugged back.

"..Thank you." Xiao mumbled again, which Venti didn't hear because of all the happiness inside of him.

"Well, let's get going now! We already passed 10 minutes! Geez!" Venti let go of Xiao, and continued walking as Xiao followed.

Someone was following them as well. They've been there all night, actually.
"Adepsal huh? I knew that that was a lie. I shall crush you, Adeptus Xiao."


geez, 1162 words!
sorry if this chapter seemed rushed or whatever, late night typing you know 😔.

I will be probably editing it for any spelling errors tomorrow, but here you go! The long awaited chapter 14!

(hope you enjoyed ;))


''Gods, Adaptus' and Organisations'' a xiaoven fanfiction 🍃Where stories live. Discover now