Chapter 18

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In Liyue, small raindrops could be heard on all the rooftops. It was a sad day. Many people have died this day. Including, the old.. anemo god.

"Argh!! Xiao.. Help!! Help!!!" Venti screamed. He was at the foot of the mountains, where Diluc was last too.

As quick as light, Xiao teleported behind Venti and looked at him, grabbing him from under his arms to help him stand while standing next to him.

"M-My.. Venti, what's wrong?" Xiao tried to keep his cool, sadly, his caring love for Venti was too loud within his voice.

"Hehe, nothing actually, just wanted to see you." Venti smiled, standing up perfectly straight by himself.

"..Venti. You genuinely worried me there.. why did y-"

"I've spoken to our.. 'no longer Morax', and came to the conclusion.. well.." Venti sighed. "You don't have to pretend you like me, Xiao. I know you hate having me, so careless, so happy around you all day. S-So.. we.. we can't see each other anymore.."

"W-..WHAT?! No, no you're joking- you're just- it's just a prank- it's a prank- NO- ARE YOU INSANE? BARB- VEN- UGH, NO, MY LOVE, YOU ARE SO IMPORTANT TO ME!! YOU'RE EVERYTHING I HAVE, EVERY... everything I don't want to lose.. not again." Xiao held Venti's hands, but Venti wasn't holding them back.

"Lies.. they're all lies.. Xiao. I know about it. Don't. If you wanna be honest about your feelings.. then.. please just tell me now."

"M-My love.. I.. I-" Xiao woke up from the sound of crashing underneath him. Sounded like soms huge rock was thrown.

Xiao got up, wiping away the sweat from his dream. Did his karma infect his dreams now too?

The past days, Xiao's karma, guilt and sadness has only grown and grown. He couldn't stop it, not even by trying to recreate Venti's song by humming.

Nothing could help him, he thought. He will die soon of it, he won't survive, and he won't be able to kiss Venti ever again. He will never be able to leave Venti alone like that, in a war.. "Stupid contract.." Xiao whispered, not knowing Zhongli was standing right next to him.

"Stupid what?" Zhongli said, his smile slightly fading.

"A-Ah! Nothing, nothing.. I was just-.. ugh.. tired."

"Hm, Xiao, the war has ended."

"What? You mean the.. one in Mondstadt? Did Barbatos win?!" Xiao got slightly excited, and nervous.

"Well.. uhm.. how do I say this.."

"H-Huh? No.. don't.. don't tell me.. did- did he?!-"

"He has died. The former, anemo archon, has died in Stormterror's lair"


"..N-No.. I- I guess it's just like.. my dreams.." Tears rolled down Xiao's eyes uncontrollably. Without him even noticing. He fell on the ground, screaming in disbelief.

Screaming, his lovers name.


"Very clever of you to have informed the Anemo god about this, Venti! You've done very well. And you've done something no one has done before. For this, you shall be Mondstadt's new hero!!"

"Hehe.. no no, spare all the fame and trophies.. all I did was tell our god we were indangered! nothing too special.."

"You did cross the sea for it, to an unknown island.. who would've known they would be there? Anyway! I am so grateful, that I  hereby give you an lifelong wine supply!" Charles said, one of the workers of the tavern.

''Gods, Adaptus' and Organisations'' a xiaoven fanfiction 🍃Where stories live. Discover now