Chapter 20

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⚠️BEFORE WE BEGIN!! ⚠️ I want to give a slight sensitive warning, nothing too bad happens but its still- yk yk.. just so you know!!


"Hmm.. that was a good rest-" Venti rubbed his eyes, just being awake. His regular clothes were partially off. His shoes, socks and his cape.

Venti looked under him and saw Xiao, also having bits and pieces of his clothing rumbled and off.

Venti blushed brightly at the thought of what could have happened between the two. It's been so long since they had saw each other, and Xiao thought it was nice to have a little session after they had rest.

Venti scratched his neck, feeling some scratches in them before he had scratched. He blushed even more and decided now was a good time to put on his clothes properly.

After a while, Venti was dressed again. But he on accident stubbed his toe, waking Xiao up.

"Ugh.. my head.." Xiao sat up, holding his head. He opened his eyes and saw Venti holding up his feet in pain.

Xiao sighed, and smiled at Venti. Who smiled back, with a blush on his face. And they both blushed when they noticed the marks on their necks.

Xiao put a pillow over his face and was blushing into it as Venti looked away in the distance. Secretly both of them remembering very well what happens the day before that.


Both the boys were eating breakfast. They were sittng on the opposite side of the round table. Xiao was feeding Venti his food, and Venti was feeding him his.

"Mmh-mh! Your tofu is so nice! Ahh, I should've picked it too. Last time I ate it, it reminded me of you. Hehe."

"Yeah, tofu has a lot of flavours to me too." Xiao smiled at Venti enjoying the tofu so much. "Oh- I also really like your apple slices with cinnamon on it." Xiao quickly added.

Venti spoke with his mouth full: "Glad you like it!-" he swallowed the bit of tofu, "But I have a question.." Venti smirked.

"Hm?" Xiao looked at him confused. "And that is?"

"May ii.. instead of having the tofu served off your chopstickss.. like.." Venti came closer to Xiao, "having it served by you?"

He pointed at Xiao's mouth. Making Xiao blush instantly. Xiao gave it some thought and slowly nodded, being too embarrassed to actually say yes.

Venti blushed slightly, too. He got up and walked over to Xiao across the table, his fingers touching the round table as he walked slowly over to Xiao. This making Xiao gulp, and look away blushing.

Venti pulled Xiao's face by his chin to his and smiled. "If you're too embarrassed to try it first, I'll do it with my apple slices!~" Venti said, hoping to calm Xiao down. Instead, that made Xiao's heart flutter even more.

"A-Alright.." Xiao looked at how Venti shoved an apple slice on his fork, and how he slowly sat down on Xiao's lap. At this point, their faces were more red than the apple in Venti's hand.

Venti put the slice in his mouth. He moved the slice around in his mouth first before leaning over to Xiao. Xiao leaned a bit closer, too. Having closed his eyes, Xiao opened his mouth a bit.

Venti grabbed Xiao's chin again, and with the other hand he held his cheek. Pressing his lips against Xiao's, and kissing him.

Venti shove the slice just not far enough to be on Xiao's mouth, making Xiao need to grab it himself with his tongue. But Xiao hadn't even opened his eyes yet due to how flustered he was.

''Gods, Adaptus' and Organisations'' a xiaoven fanfiction 🍃Where stories live. Discover now