Chapter 13

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"H-Hm..? Venti?.." Xiao slowly opened his eyes, to see Venti on top of him, clearly awake.

Venti was holding Xiao's chin and had his hand on Xiao's chest, Xiao turned into a tomato in only a few seconds. "W..What are y-". But before he could saw anything, Venti had already came in for a kiss.

Xiao's eyes widened, and Venti's hand moved more down, Xiao looked at Venti, he slowly closed his eyes. He grabbed Venti's cheeks and kissed him deeper.

"Oh.. so you already want to take it further than this.. alright..~" Venti said, his hand moving down more and..

"Xiao? Xiaooo!! Wake up! It's time to get to Mondstadt!" Xiao sudden sat up straight, sweating and looked at Venti, who was already out of bed and looking down at Xiao, he gave him a small smile.

" startled me.. of course.. Venti.." Xiao blushed, covering his mouth. Venti looked at him strangely, he smiled and sat down next to Xiao.

"..What's wrong? Are you sick again? Are you feeling nauseous?" Venti smiled and put his hand on his shoulder. And put his head on his shoulder, making Xiao blush even more, he eventually pushed Venti away and sighed.

"Let's get you some breakfast, Venti.. It.. it was nothing." He gave a him a small smile, and he smiled back, gave him a nod and went ready to move down together with Xiao.

'Did.. did he think about someone else? He seemed to be blushing and all.. no- no Barbatos! pull yourself together..' Venti quietly thought as they walked down the stairs, Xiao looked up at Venti to see he was sad, he stopped, standing below Venti on the strairs, he was looking at his eyes, and slowly held his hand. He tried to smile, but he still was kinda embarrassed by holding his hand only.

Venti looked at Xiao, he smiled, moved down so they were standing on the same height and hugged him, rather thightly.

"Xiao.. once we arrive at Monstadt.. I'd love to tell you something.." he looked at him and smiled.

"O-Oh.. uhm, alright then.. let's get breakfast and all first though." Xiao let go of Venti and indeed moved down, still holding his hand. With his other hand, he covered his blushing face for anyone who was around the Inn.

And so, they indeed had breakfast. Venti was already longer awake and had asked Smiley Yanxiao to make Venti and Xiao pancakes, and to add a little bit of a surprise in it.

"Uh.. Venti, you know that it's hard for me to swallow anything else other than something very soft like tofu, right?" Xiao grabbed his fork and poked it the huge pile of pancakes.

"Ah, yes I know! That's why I asked Yanxiao to make them even lighter than air! Also, I went back to Monstadt and asked a very helping maid how to make them even lighter! I gave that recipe to our faithful chef here and he made it! Oh- and also-" Venti leaned in to whisper to Xiao, "I asked him for a bit more sugar, so you have enough energy for the day!" Venti smiled and went back to his place.

"Wow, you.. really went through all that effort just to get these... uh.. what are they called again?-"


"Right, to make these pancakes as light as possible? That's.. very kind of you, Venti."

"Of course, silly! I wouldn't want to force you to eat something you don't like, and you can't eat!"

"Thank you.. very thoughtful." Xiao silently ate his pancakes. He didn't wanted to show it, but he was really enjoying the pancakes. Venti looked at Xiao eating it, smiling and waiting until he might notice his surprise, but after everything was already gone, he still didn't notice it.

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