Chapter 6

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A loud thud could be heard, Zhongli had thrown Venti across, luckily, not much witnesses were around.

"Argh- was that really need--"
Venti looked up, but by the second he did, Zhongli choked him while pinning him against the wall. Anger burning in his eyes.

"M-Mor-.. Mora-" Venti barely could say anything, he had his hands around Zhongli's strong hands, trying to pull them away. "P-Plea..s.."

After a while, he indeed let go.
"..You really didn't gotten any stronger."
As Venti was coughing, and rubbing his neck.

"I'm.. I'm sorry.. I thought he got better by now.. and.. I wanted t-"

"That's enough. As punishment for this.. disaster, you shall stay by Xiao's side until he gets better."

"WHAT? Morax?! That could be taking ages! Now that adeptal sicknesses could stay longer and--"

"You have time enough, Barbatos. See this as your only chance to get my trust back."

"...whatever.." Venti looked at the passed out Xiao, still laying on the table.
"Let's just hope this doesn't stay for too long.." Venti walked away angrily with Xiao in his hands.

"..Hmm.. this could get interesting." Zhongli said with a slight smile and walked off too.

The next day

Venti's POV:

..This guy really is taking his time, huh? It's already 12 o'clock and he still hasn't awoke yet. But on the other hand, it was nice to look at him so rested for a while.

He always looks to stressed, so much in pain.. and seeing him like this, in his bed, alone in his room, me next to him.. that just makes me feel a bit happier about everything.

I reached out for Xiao's head, and placed my hand on it to check if he was too warm.
"Not too bad.."
I silently spoke in myself, as Xiao's hand grabbed mine and kept it with him.

"Huh?.. Oh.. you like my hand.. don't you?.."
Venti smiled and bend a bit over to come closer to Xiao, so he could hold his hand easier.

"If that is what makes you happy right now, go ahead, little Adeptus.. hehe.."

But before I knew it, Xiao's eyes opened a bit, holding my hand tight the whole time I was staring at him.. wait- He's awake?!

"What are you- WHO ARE YOU." Xiao pulled away his hand and rolled away from me, as he saw my face.
"Oh.. it's just you.. what do you need- and even better, why are you in my room." Xiao crossed his arms, sitting up.

"Oh! Hehe, I on accident made you pass out and uh.. I had to bring you back here! Zhongli told me to look out for you, now you're still sick."

"..wait wait- you made me- what? And why did Mo-- I mean Zhongli told you that?"

"Ehehe... it's a long story, really. But nevertheless, I would like to play you a song! I'm a bard after all!" I smiled at him, but he just looked away and groaned, eventually turning away, too.

"I always thought you liked a tune or two? Or at least, that's what Zhongli said.."

"I don't care about your songs. I only care about one's, but they...they probably passed away by now, anyway. Or at least, that's what everyone says."

"..Only someone's songs? Ohh! Could you describe them to me? Maybe I can find them for you and ask them to play something for you!"

"No. Just.. leave me alone." Xiao said, muffled while his head was burried in his pillow."

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