Chapter 8

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With their lips almost touching, Venti and Xiao both coming in for a kiss, Xiao suddenly got hit in his belly, and surprise surprise, it was Venti sitting on top of him, wait what?

"Good morning Xiao! How'd you sleep? I think pretty well now that you kept on hugging me all the time." Venti giggled, sitting on top of Xiao still. Xiao blushed brightly and out of quick response he pushed Venti off him, he almost fell off the bed.

"Don't do that again.. you moron." Xiao turned away from Venti, as he got up and giggled. "Oh my, I'm sorry the almighty Adeptus Xiao to be hurting your feelings, please do go back to sleep when needed!" Venti said, jokingly with his hand on his chest.

"Ugh.. whatever.." Xiao didn't know if everything was a dream or if it was just something he wanted to happen, wait? he wanted this?! Of course not! And the idea of him actually being Barbatos.. yeah, in his dreams, literally.

"Xiao? Xiao are you okay?"

"Huh?" Xiao looked up, Venti sitting next to him, and smiled when tilting his head.

"You seemed to be unfocused, no worries! I'll repeat myself, Xiao, as you're doing very well now in your mental- and pyshical strength, I thought about getting Zhongli to stay with you for a day! So you don't always have to stay with m-"

"Hm. That is certainly a possibility.. but I-"

"No worries! It's okay to meet the big, the strong, and absolutely stunning Zhongli once in a while, now you look so much up to him hehe!"

"Yeah but I'd actually like to-"

"Xiao. I said, no, worries! You can go meet him, or I'll even bring him here!" Venti came a bit closer and smiled.

"..fine.. but that's not what I wanted to say.." Xiao mumbled.

"So! Do you prefer me bringing him, or you stretching your legs a bit, hm?"

"I'll just walk to the city again. I'm not dying or anything so it should be fine."

"Oh alrighty!~ Want me to walk with you for do fa--"

"If you want. This talking is pointless in the end. So let's just go." Venti nod, to show he was right and decided to go with him. Grabbing him by his hand once again and leading him down stairs again, all the way down the Inn.

"I think I can walk on my own from now on." Xiao pulled away his hand, slowly walking away.

"O-Oh.. alright.. then.. I'll just stay here no worries.." Venti smiled slightly, watching Xiao walk away without even looking behind.

"Not even.. a goodbye?.." Venti sighed. "Zhongli was right.. I don't think.. he actually.. remembers me.." Venti faced the floor as he teared up, smiling and making his hands into fists. Tear drops fell down his cheek, and landed on the ground.

After a while, Venti just sat down, waiting until the sunny day finally came to an end. He kept on thinking about any way how to say that he knows him, and kept on thinking about ways to make him trust him more, but nothing came to mind.

He sighed "When will you finally understand.. I.. I have such big feelings for you.. I want to hold you, to keep you safe, make you comfortable, I just.. want to be your best friend.. or just your friend is fine, too.."

Venti looked down, and smiled, as the last tear for the day, fell off his cheek.


Xiao, in the meanwhile, had already arrived at Liyue Harbor and was sitting with Zhongli, drinking tea.

"So, how's it going with the bard?" Zhongli took a sip, and looked over his cup towards Xiao, who was anxiously holding his cup.

"Oh.. it's going okay, I guess." Xiao looked at his cup and looked at his refection in the warm water. He couldn't help but think about Venti, and leaving him alone in such a place. He wanted him to stay with him the whole time. He.. just wanted--

Zhongli placed his hand on Xiao's back, and rubbed it, in a comforting way, making Xiao look up and smile a bit. And then Xiao took a small sip of the tea. Did Zhongli notice? Did he know that he.. he had such confusing feelings for Venti?

"Zhongli, do you per chance know something about Venti's past?"

"Why would you like to know, Xiao?" Zhongli took another sip and smiled slightly at Xiao.

"Oh. Because I'd like to know more about someone who'd stay with me all the time with, isn't that reasonable?"

"Hm, it is.. well, I don't know if he already told you, but you'll have to ask him about it. Ask about his relationship with.. Morax."

"Huh.. but why can't I ask y--"

"Shh... we're in public right now, Xiao.. I told you, ask him yourself and I know that he'll explain, and if not, say it was requested by me."

"Hmph. Fine, I'll ask him. I don't understand why you couldn't tell me.."

"I think it's the right time you go back to him. As seen, you truly do worry and care about him."

"Why would I care about a stupid mortal? Okay, good for you you have a vision, but that doesn't change your state in life."

"...Hm, we'll see."

Xiao got up and thanked Zhongli for the tea, as he ordered him to pay for him. Xiao sighed, did and made his way back to the Inn.

There was Venti, unmoved and looking at the floor, he wasn't crying anymore, but he certainly didn't look too happy. Xiao saw him sitting there and not walked, but ran up to him.

"Hey, hey what's happening?" Xiao looked at Venti.

"Did you got hurt, Venti? Who did this? I swear if it was Smiley Yanxiao again I'll-"

"Oh hi Xiao! I was just talking a power nap hehe!"

"You sure, Venti? You seemed to be already awa--"

"I am truly, from the bottom of my heart, absolutely fine!" Venti smiled, got up and hugged Xiao, who was kinda surprised and annoyed by the sudden action.

"Yeah yeah.. Hey uhm, Venti.. I have to ask you something.. could we maybe just.. take a walk for a while?"

"Oh! Yeah sure, we can go for a walk! Just around here, or?.."

"Yeah, here should be fine. And even if we encounter someone dangerous, it's nothing we can't handle, right?"

"Of course not! Hehe, let's go!" Venti grabbed his hand and happily walked off with him to the distance.

"Say Xiao, what was it you wanted to talk about?"

"Oh. Right, I want to know about your past. How did you get here, and how do you know M- I mean, Zhongli." Xiao said, looking away nervously, Venti looked at him and smiled.

"Are you sure you wanna know? That could change your point of view of me, you know.. and to be honest, I'd really not want that.. I quite enjoy just being your friend!"

"Just.. my friend?.. Well.. I'd like to know anyway now that you and I have to spend a long time together still."

"Hm.. fine.. I guess I did already send you a slight hint in your dreams, if you know what I mean~" Venti walked a bit faster to walk infront of Xiao. Xiao blushed as he thought about it. Was that his doing?

"..Wait.. so you're.."

"The Anemo archon.. yes." Wind flew through the two as both of them stood still, Venti turned and smiled, leaving Xiao making and blushing a bit.


1264 words! phew, it's a quick one, so again sorry for any spellings errors!

I'm going on a vacation soon, but I'll try to upload during that week! Hope you enjoyed, until next time (≧▽≦)

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