Chapter 10

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"What kind of a deal?" Venti was already backing up, pressing Xiao back too.

"Oh it's easy.. I'll give you back this.. gnosis.. or whatever, but you will be serving for me for five thousand years." The guy at Venti was facing up, looking at him as if he was nothing more than a pathetic empty shell of what once was a god.

Venti stood still, Xiao looked at Venti, not knowing what was happening as Venti sighed.
"No. I have no interest in having my gnosis back whatsoever."

"Oh.. very well. I guess your.. laughable friend will do, too. Gunners, grab him." Suddenly, Xiao got grabbed by his arms and hold back by a lot more stronger people. Venti looked back at Xiao, he wanted to help Xiao with getting away, but as soon as he tried, the two stronger men used a sort of gun to apply hydro and cryo to the Bard, freezing him. The guy with the hat approached Venti, he was trying to break through the ice, but it was way too thick to even break with the strongest axe in the world.

Xiao was almost crying. He was trying to get away, too. But it was helpless. He couldn't move an inch. "VENTI! NO! DON'T LEAVE M-" The cryo gunner put his hand on Xiao's mouth, leaving him biting his fingers while his muffled screaming could be heard as he slowly got dragged away.

Venti looked at him, frozen in place as Xiao got dragged away, Venti used his last bit of anemo power to escape, but sadly, that took a while, and so the guy noticed.

"Oh sorry, mind my manners. The name is Scaramouche. One you shall hear from again." Scaramouche approached Venti, and grabbed his chin out of pure pity.
"This is what people call a god? You're just like La Signora said, pathetic."

"So that's who you're working for.. I knew something was off with that logo." Venti's arms were still in ice, so Scaramouche could do as he pleased. In the meanwhile, Xiao already knocked out one of the gunners. Venti looked over Scaramouche's shoulder and saw that too, and decided to continue to distract him.

"You.. you won't get away with this, puppet." Venti looked Scaramouche dead in the eyes, him being quite shocked. How did he know about his past?

"H-How- Ugh. I've got enough of y--" Xiao approached rapidly, growing and charging up to hit Scaramouche, Venti smiled at him, he finally got one of his hand out of the ice, making it easier for him to get the other out too.

Scaramouche turned around, and just in time dodged it. Xiao looked at him with pure hatred in his eyes. And approaching again, running towards him. Scaramouche had no choice but to dodge again, he couldn't attack him at the moment, sadly.

This went on for almost thirty minutes, Xiao attacking him and Scaramouche dodging, until finally Venti was freed from the ice. Venti grabbed Xiao by his shirt, pulling him down from mid air, almost hitting Scaramouche, and dragging him on the floor.
"Cmon Xiao.. show him some mercy." Venti looked down at Scaramouche with a slight smirk.

Scaramouche was panting, his hat fell off, and looked up at the two. Xiao crossed his arms, and Venti just looked down at him. Scaramouche got up and was about to flee using his elemental power as well, but Venti grabbed him as soon as he tried to, he pulled him in, Scaramouche staring at him, and Venti doing the same with a serious face.

And all of the sudden, it was as if they were doing a sort of dance of respect, but still a very much hatred one. Venti pushing him out, and him rolling back in, Scaramouche and Venti twirled around for almost ages it seemed, Xiao getting slightly jealous now he wanted to dance with him, too, but eventually something broke the dance.

Venti threw Scaramouche up, and just when he got his guard down, Venti pushed him down, almost IN the muddy floor, and pointed his bow at him. Scaramouche chuckled, dripped in sweat of how much he concentrated at the dance. All of that was just to see who would get their guard down too easily, and as you see, Venti won in it.

"Wh..what do you want from me.." Scaramouche looked at his hat who was laying in the mud next to Xiao, and then back up to Venti, who placed his feet on Scaramouche's belly, pressing it down harshly.

"That's how it feels.." Venti pressed down harder, Scaramouche nearly tearing up from the pain, "how to loose someone-" he continued to press, "who means a lot to you." Venti kicked Scaramouche off. him rolling off to a distance.

And before any of them knew, new Fatui members were around the two, attacking them again. That was just the distraction Scaramouche needed to stand up again, grab his hat and.. for him to leave the field.

After a while Venti and Xiao defeated all the members that came by, Xiao looked around to see if anyone else was left, and noticed Scaramouche was gone. He groaned and told Venti about it, who was disappointed, too.

"Well.. what did you wanted to do to him anyway?"

"Oh.. he and I got some.. I'd say history, hehe! But no worries, we can relax now agai--"
Xiao all of the sudden was gone, no where to be seen, the only thing that could be seen, where he was standing just now, was laying a paper with the Fatui logo on it.

Venti looked around to see if he could see him anywhere, even flied up to control everything but couldn't find any sign of Xiao or the Fatui.

Venti slowly landed back on the ground, hanging his head in shame. He picked up the card and angrily teared it apart. As some pieces fell on the ground, Venti saw a some kind of address, an address for.. "the place where they are". As it said on the paper.

"I can't loose another friend.. no.. n.." Venti started to tear up, he fell on his knees, right in the mud, and started crying out Xiao's name.

"My.. my beloved.. p-please.. Xiao.. I.. I lo.. I lov.." Venti let his head hang again, with teary eyes, he started to collect the pieces of ripped paper and tried to put them back together again. And if it wasn't already hard enough to see it with mudd on it, it also started raining at the same time. Venti cried out louder, it was no use.. he had to go back to.. him.

After Venti got back to Liyue Harbor.

"P-Please.. need to help me.." Venti was sitting on his knees, his white leggings were ripped, they had mudd on it, so was there on his face as he was praying at Zhongli's feet for his help.

"And why should I?" Zhongli took a sip of his tea, looking over the cup down at Venti once more.

"Xiao.. X-Xiao's in danger.. th.. Fatui.." Venti cried out, Zhongli stood up, both from the Fatui, and from Xiao. He looked quite angry, grabbed Venti's arm, pulled him up and started walking without saying anything to Venti.

"W-Where are we-"

"To a certain friend of mine." Zhongli pulled Venti up, him now walking behind him, still soaked because of the rain.

They entered a sort of.. bank? And there was standing a red haired, taller male person.

"Childe. You and I need to have a word with each other." 


1278 words! I know, not a lot compared to the previous ones, BUT it is quicker! (~‾▿‾)~

Have an amazing day! (・–・) \(・◡・)/

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