Chapter 15

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Venti and Xiao were walking from Windrise towards the city. Venti was really excited to show Xiao every single bit of it, while Xiao tried to not get a little excited too.

"Hey so, there's this really good bar in Mondstadt, and I heard there's a karaoke night too! With actual people playing the songs! Maybe you would like to go and see some old fashioned songs?" Venti said, smiling at Xiao with a slight bit of puppy eyes to get him to say yes, just when they stepped on the bridge.

"Uh, sure I guess." Xiao looked away from Venti's face, who was now really close next to his due to excitement. A slight blush appeared on both their faces.

"Yay! I can't wait to sing a song for you too then!"

"Wait.. *you're* gonna sing?" Xiao's face suddenly became even more flustered, just by the thought of hearing his soothing and calming voice, let alone stand his singing.

"Ehe, yes! Because I, of course, am the best bard in town! Of course I know how to sing a tune or two."

"..Oh, right." Xiao sighed, pretending to not being flustered was hard when he was around Venti. Normally, he could always force his emotions down to act cooler and more calm, but Venti... Somehow he always made him blush, which was hard to hide when Venti was always close to his face.

"Ah there it is! The big entrance of Mondstadt. Behold, the legendary city of freedom!" Venti giggled, walking into the entrance with Xiao as the sun was shining brightly into their faces, blinding Xiao by a bit. But before he could do, or even say anything, he got grabbed by his pulse and dragged inside.

"Look! Here's the smith, oh and here are our guards, that's.. ehem, 'Stanley'." Venti forced a smile laugh at Stanley who was leaning sadly against the tree, alone.

Xiao didn't pay attention to anything that Venti said, Xiao's eyes were locked on the big statue of Barbatos, he sighed softly. Right when Venti pulled him to another thing.

"And that's Huffman.. and that's- hey Xiao, are you okay? You seem to be lost in thought?"

"Uh, it's nothing. I was just wondering something." Xiao was unsure how to feel about being around this god. He felt like he always needed to repay his debt, even with him saying he doesn't. He feels like he's always walking behind him, always following.. an-

Venti grabbed his hand now, smiling at Xiao. Xiao could feel his face getting more and more red the second he was doing so. Especially because he kept on staring deeply into his eyes, being unable to unlock his eyes from his too that way.

Xiao gulped as an even redder blush started to appear. It was clear Venti wasn't gonna let go of his stare until he smiled a little back. And so, with a slight awkwardness, he smiled back.

Venti grinned and continued his tour without bringing it up ever again. "What a weird fellow.. but why do I love him so much, tho.." Xiao thought.

After a long while of walking, showing around and a slight bit of jealousy when Kaeya reappeared, Kaeya invited the two again to the karaoke night. Saying that he would love to hear Venti singing bar songs again and other traditional songs.

Venti was happy to do so, but Xiao just had this burning hate feeling in his stomach whenever he saw Kaeya. Why did he need to hide his name? Why does he wear an eye patch? And why does he.. somehow seem to me familiar..

"So, Adepsal, are you willing to go too?" Kaeya spoke, breaking Xiao's inner thoughts.

"Uh, yeah right."

"Say, Adepsal.. do you drink?"

"Drink? Ugh who do you take me for. An adap--" Venti lightly punched his arm. "I mean, human like me doesn't need alcohol or such things to feel happiness.. or for whatever reason you would like it."

"Have you ever tried tho? I bet you could really enjoy it." Kaeya said teasingly as he placed his hand on his hip. Smirking slightly.

"I'm just saying, you're missing out."

"..Okay." Xiao crossed his arms, looking at Venti. "Are you planning to drink tonight, Venti?" Venti giggled, and nodded quickly.

"They don't call me a drunkard for nothing you know!" He smiled, rather proudly for some reason..

"Oh well I suggest-"

"Hey Adepsal. Got a second to talk?" Kaeya suddenly interrupted. "Just, you and me?"

Xiao looked at Kaeya with a glare.
"What for?"

"Something personal, I guess our bard here could go inside the tavern already." Kaeya looked at Venti, to which he replied with a simple nod and headed off.

Xiao watched him walk, until the door shut right down behind him. Voices could be heard inside of it as he entered, everyone seemed pleased to see him. Xiao sighed as he heard he was in good hands for now. But right when the door made a tud when it closed, Xiao could feel him getting tightly pressed against the wall behind him.

"..So.. Adeptus Xiao." Kaeya's usual, happy face had disappeared really quickly. He seemed to be more angry, actually.

"What are you planning to do here in Mondstadt. Did the geo archon sent you?" Xiao felt his body getting pressed more thight and thight to the wall as he spoke.

"H-How do you know my name.. ugh..I knew something was up with you." Xiao's face turned more serious too, his hands were pinned against the wall too, so he wasn't able to move an inch.

Kaeya got closer to his ears, as he whispered; "If you dare to hurt this city.. I will hunt you, the geo archon, and all the other Adeptus' down. I'll kill all the gods who have caused harm."

Suddenly, he let go off Xiao and walked inside the tavern. Xiao wanted to go after him and attack him, but before he could, Kaeya already opened the door. It was a bad idea to attack Kaeya with so many witnesses.

And so, Xiao sighed and walked inside, too. Only to find Venti already drinking a whole bottle.

"A-Aha! Adepsal! There you are!" Venti said, holding up a bottle. There were a lot of other men sitting around him, and drinking with him. Cracking jokes, playing card games.. the usual.

Xiao walked up to Venti, who was hiccuping, and sat next to him. Xiao looked rather worried at Venti. Looking around him, he already saw three empty bottles. "Did he drink them when I was still outside? Did the others do that?" Xiao thought again. Why was he so worried?

"Ehem! I think it's time for a k.. kara.. karao.. uhh.. karaoke night! Y-Yes!" Venti was hiccuping so much, it took him a while to get that out of him.

A man with red hair behind the counter sighed, a whole crowd cheered happily after Venti said that. Soon enough, Kaeya was sitting in front of the counter, right where the red haired man was standing and making a drink for someone else. He seemed rather annoyed by only just the sight of Kaeya.

"Alrighty then, let's start this evening!"



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