Chapter 5

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Xiao was laying alone in his room, he didn't had anything to do except eat almond tofu and read books. Which.. he didn't wanted to do, so he choose to just stare forward.

"How boring.."
He just wished to see him again, why was he so desperate to see him? Was it because, he was the only thing to genuinely make him happy? Not him maybe, but his songs?

"Venti the Bard..."
Xiao softly said, he felt his cheeks light up a bit by the thought of him hearing it, now that Xiao hears everyone saying his name.

It was cold again. From a steamy summer day, it quickly turns into an almost freezing night. To be honest, he liked the cold more than the warmth. The only reason why is that he can sleep during that time.

So.. that's what he did, he closed his eyes, rested his head on the pillows and silently fell asleep again. He felt a lot better when sleeping, because somehow, something magically happened when he did.

Xiao's dream

He could see him running..
"Hey, Xiao! Wait up! Hehe.." Venti was following Xiao through a bed of flowers, where he was, was unknown. All that could be seen was Venti, with a blurred face. He didn't know how he looked like, so he couldn't make anything up.

"So this is where you wanted to take me? Wow.. it's beautiful Xiao! I should let you take me to more places if this is where you'd wanna go, hehehe!"

"..Well, if that would be what you want, of course. Venti."

"Hey.. Xiao, there's something I have to tell you."

"Huh?.. What is it..?"

"I.. uhm.. There's a little secret I would love to share with you.. but for that, I need you to follow me first!"

"Wait- where are we goin--" Xiao let out a yelp as Venti took him by his hand and brought him further and further in the bed of flowers.

After a while of walking, Venti lighted up.
"Look! Look!" It was a bed full of Cecilia and Qingxin flowers. Some even mixed with each other to create a whole new flower.

When looking at it, Xiao blushed a slight bit, he looked away, Venti still holding his hand. Venti looked at the blushing Xiao and pulled him into the soft bed of flowers. Both of them falling on their backs, holding each other's hands.

Venti looked in his eyes, and Xiao looked in his. Both of them blushing a bit and giggling, or at least, Venti was. He was amused by his flustered face.

"Aww! Look at you, so happy.. and lovely.." Venti placed his hand on Xiao's cheek, he could feel his cheek light up even more. And Venti put his head against his, still giggling.

His face.. why couldn't he remember his face? "I think.. I think I have feelings for you, Xiao!" Venti said, looking away, blushing a bit.

And at that point...


Xiao woke up of the sound from someone walking into his room, he could hear that because there were quite a lot of sticks on the ground from the tree. He sat up quickly on his bed and looked around, dripped in sweat once again.

"WHO'S THERE?" Xiao said angrily, growling a bit through his words.
There he was... was it him? Was it.. Ven--

"I've got you food, Xiao!"
Oh. It was just Verr Goldet.. Ugh.. will he ever see him again?..

"Ugrh.. whatever. I'm not hungry."

"But Zhongli said you needed to eat something.."

"..Hmph. I don't care.. I have ate enough."

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