Chapter 17

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Venti was gazing over the meadow in front of him, having his eyes closed while humming a simple melody. A crowd of people yelling, screaming and cursing could be heard in the distance.

This, somehow, didn't seem to catch Venti's interest in the slightest. Maybe he was used to it by now? It *has* been around one week since it all happened in the bar, and still no trace of Xiao.

Venti thought it was best to leave Xiao alone for now. But he couldn't stop thinking about the expression Xiao wore while they kissed. It was like it was printed into Venti's eyes, every time he closed them he saw it again.

And so, he also couldn't stop thinking of doing it again. And the fact.. Xiao might have a side Venti never expected him to have. Suddenly, Venti heard two familiar voices he heard almost every day, well, before the incident.

"Say, Kaeya.." The red haired man gave Kaeya a glance, "Why did you do all that."

"Did what, Master Diluc?" Kaeya said, with a slight smirk. Who seemed to be surprisingly fake for a type like him, forcing one about every day.

"Tch, I meant calling out on an innocent adaptus." Diluc seemed to be even more irritated than before.

"I have no idea what you mean by that. He is guilty, Diluc." Kaeya stopped walking. Right under the tree Venti was sitting in.

"It was said, in the ancient tome. You were right next to me when it was said, even." He said, crossing his arms.

"Kaeya, I don't think the abyss and adaptus are relata-"

"I don't think you understand the importance of protecting the city. ESPECIALLY now." Kaeya's expressions heavily changed into something more.. no, a lot more serious.

"Says who? If you remember well, I am the one who's been protecting this city from theft, the abyss and even treasure hoarders from destroying this city. While YOU were in the tavern, enjoying your drinks and drinking away your problems with another glass."

"Ouch..?" Kaeya snickered. "It's best not to take any risks.." he walked away slowly, not looking back. And after a while, he stopped, and said; "", right before he walked away again, and wasn't viewable anymore.

"Maybe he's right.. we do have to be car-" some soft cracking could be heard from the tree, Diluc looked up and-

Venti slipped and fell out of the tree, with a loud thud falling on the ground, rubbing his head.

"..Venti." Venti looked up, seeing Diluc with his arms crossed, and having a.. not so happy face on him.

"You heard all of that, didn't you?"

"Hehe.. yeah.." Venti laughed nervously as he got up. Remembering Diluc was the only one who didn't panic back in Angel's share. He was quite the smart one, or honestly not interested in Liyue.

"Why were you with an adaptus? And why did you know that he was-" Venti got up, breaking his sentence with a sigh.

"A better question, why didn't you panic back at the tavern? Did you.. trust me per chance?" Venti smirked, shaking his head "kidding, kidding.."

"Well, Xiao didn't seem to be much interested in Mondstadt, actually. Rather, he kept on looking at you back at the karaoke night, making sure people around you didn't drug you. Or at least, that were my observations."

"Huh.. I thought he was just nervous about all the people around him, didn't think he'd actually care about me that much.." Venti had a slight blush formed on his cheeks.

"Now, will you answer my question?" Diluc sighed, being a little done by all the lovely-dovely stuff.

"Ah- right.. Xiao and I met when we both were still young, and arrogant.. heh."

''Gods, Adaptus' and Organisations'' a xiaoven fanfiction 🍃Where stories live. Discover now